Subscriber Discussion

How Do You Find Eocortex Name?

Dmitriy Loginov
Apr 12, 2018

What do you think about Eocortex as a brand name for VMS developer?

John Honovich
Apr 12, 2018

It's a terrible name for US English. I actually was saying that just the other day when talking to Sean. It is not something I'd normally post publicly but since you asked, in the spirit of trying to help, here goes.

It's 4 syllables: e - o - cor -tex and it's not obvious how to spell it, e.g., I found myself spelling it first as 'ecortex' omitting the first 'o' since 'ecortex' sounded more natural to me.

I also don't understand having eocortex and macroscop. Macroscop is not a great name for US english but it's far easier to pronounce and spell than eocortex. I literally find myself tripping up how to spell eocortex as it's just so atypical for normal English words.

Dmitriy Loginov
Apr 13, 2018

Thank you for your honest and informative reply, John. We highly appreciate that!

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