Subscriber Discussion

Going From POTS To VoIP In Elevator

Jay Hobdy
Feb 28, 2019
IPVMU Certified

Our client would like to go from POTS to VoiP in their elevators. The process is very simple, they have a converter and would simply move the line, going from the elevator to the punch down, to the VoiP converter. The elevator would still have dial tone when the handset or button was pressed.


Is there any code or reason to avoid this?



Daniel S-T
Feb 28, 2019

You'd have to check with your local authority. Here it's a mixed bag. Some require it, some don't. The last one I was personally involved with, the fire marshal or what ever specified it must be it's own POTS line/number. VOIP was not acceptable.

Dave Gideon
Feb 28, 2019
IPVMU Certified

My concern would be the operational time of the VOIP connection without electrical power- will it work without utility power? If so, for how long? When folks are stuck in the elevator because it lost power the elevator emergency phone won't do much good if it doesn't work either due to the power loss.

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