Subscriber Discussion

Which Install Kit For Belden Field-Terminated Fiber Connectors?

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Dec 19, 2017

Any recommendations for a tool kit for Belden FiberExpress Brilliance Field-Installable Connectors?

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Dec 20, 2017

Have not used this particular product.  However it appears to be a standard index matching gel termination kit.  We use Leviton Fastcam and Corning Unicam which are more established products.  Both work well and quickly.  There is some drawback in that there is greater loss when compared with fusion splicing. However, in security our requirements don’t usually reach the level that our telecom techs hit so loss is less of an issue if tested properly.

Brian Rhodes
Dec 20, 2017
IPVMU Certified

The Belden install kit is Belden PN AX104271, Precision Installation Kit.

It runs ~$2800 street, but may be cheaper through distribution.

Incidentally, did someone give you these connectors? Or were they already bought for this job?

I ask because this is generally backward to the way these are normally bought.  Usually the kit is bought first, since the investment is big, and if any training is needed it happens then.  Then connectors follow, as a consumable to the kit.

I would not use a 'generic' install kit unless Belden tells you they'll warranty the terminations as normal.  Many companies will not.

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