Subscriber Discussion

Enterprise Alarm Code Management Software

Dennis Ruban
Dec 04, 2017

I have close to 100 panels and I need to manage the user database with all the passwords, codes, panel assignments with panel user number. On top of that, it would be good to have the panels information, such as model number, zone list, keyholders, etc.

I googled and couldn't find anything. If I had time I would do it myself using MS Access. I'm thinking about hiring someone to develop a database for me. Just in case decided to ask the community, maybe, someone uses a software that will work for me or you know what I could use?

most of my panels are dsc or honeywell, and I use excel with a lot of sheets right now.

Brian Karas
Dec 04, 2017

I think you are looking for something along the lines  of a password manager.

There are central-station oriented automation packages that will do what you want, but they are going to be overkill for your application (and very costly).

I use 1Password to store account info. You can add notes, images, etc. to accounts, so you should be able to create something similar to your end-goal without having to develop anything custom (but you will need to pay the software license fee).


Dennis Ruban
Dec 04, 2017

I hoped there's a solution. I believe a lot of big companies use something for the centralized management. It's not just a simple password manager. I need to see which user has access to which panels, the status of a user (deletion, addition or change requested), extended panel information and the service contractors for the different regions as well. When I started drawing the database structure, there are a lot of things that I need to store and trace came up.

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