Subscriber Discussion

How Do I Properly Setup Dual NIC's On Milestone Management/Recording Servers?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Sep 05, 2018

I am looking for a Best Practices Guide or basic set of instructions on how to properly setup Milestone servers using multiple NIC Cards to separate camera traffic from outgoing client requests .  Any suggestions?  Cant find anything on their website...Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

Shannon Davis
Sep 05, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Essentially you can have one NIC with the camera IP addressing structure and the other with the Corporate/Client IP addressing structure. Should be all you have to do. Depending on the number of cameras you have this can make a huge difference.

Jared Tarter
Sep 05, 2018
Milestone Systems

Shannon is correct.  Within our software there isn't anything that gets setup.  If you want to isolate the camera traffic from the client traffic, at the base level you could just use two different subnets for the camera and client networks (e.g., camera addresses could be 10.x.x.x / and clients could be 172.16.x.x /  You could take it a step version and have completely separate VLANs which will isolate even more or take it one step beyond that and have completely separate switches.

Doing VLANs or completely separate switches would be general best practices for separating subnets anyways.


Sean Patton
Sep 05, 2018

I reached out to Milestone for assistance/documentation.

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