Subscriber Discussion

Dollar General Testing Cashierless Store, Despite Amazon Closing Go Stores

Brandon Niskala
Jul 20, 2023
IPVMU Certified

Related: Amazon Go Store Tested

Amazon Closing 8 Automated Checkout Go Stores, Confirming IPVM Testing

******** *************** ** ****** ******* ****************** ********** ******* ** ******'* **** Walk *** ********** ************* ******* * ** ******.

*** ******* **** ****** ******* ** testing ********** **** ************* *** ***** ** ***** ********. The ***** ***** ***** *** **********:

**** *** *****, *** ***** *** similar ***** ************ ***** **** ******* ******'* ** store. *** ***** ****** **** *** store *** **** ** *******. ******* of *********** ** *** ** ***** as ******'* ** ****** *******, *** video ***** *** **** **** ******* a ****** **** ****** ********. ***** in *** ***** ******* ******-**** ************ ******** ****** ******* ***** ******* that ***** *** **** ******* *** store.

IPVM Image

*** ***** *** *** ******* ** fool *** ****** ** **** ** IPVM *******, *** *** ***** *** not *** *** **** *** ******* took ** *******, *** **** *** time ** ***** ***** **** ******** a ************ **** ** *:** **** the ******* *** ***** ********* *** then ***** *** **** ******* ** 4:11 (******* **** ** *** *** time ***** ** *** ****, **** on *** ***** **** ********).

************, **** ****'* ******* * ********** from ******* ******** ***** *** ******* of *** ******* ******:

IPVM Image

** *** ***** *********** ****** *** the ******? **** *** ******* ** one, **** *** **** ********** ****?

John Honovich
Jul 20, 2023

* ** ********* **** ***** ******** sense *** ****** ******* *** ** could ** ********** ** **** / learn ** ** ****** *** (******** far) ******.

*** ***** **** ****** *** ** me **** **** ***** ** **** this *****'* ****** ** **** ********* than *** ******* ****** ******* *** - **** **** ***** ***** *** fewer ******* *** *****. **** *********** makes ***** ** ** ******* *** tracking ****** ***** ** ** **** to *** / ***** **** ** being ****** **.

*******, * ***'* *** *** ******** labor ***** **** ** ****** ****** the ***** ** *** ****** *** having ** **** **** *********** *** area ** *** *****.

****, * ***'* ** **** ****** stores **** ***** *** * ****** Dollar ******* ********* ********* **** ****** one ** * *** ********* ******* so *****'* *** * **** ********* to ****** *****.

Undisclosed #1
Jul 20, 2023

* ** ********* **** ***** ******** sense *** ****** ******* *** ** could ** ********** ** **** / learn ** ** ****** *** (******** far) ******.

****** ******* *** **** **** ** unsafe ***** *** ******* - *** OSHA *** ******** **** **** ***** in ****** ***** ******* ** **:

*** *** *** *** ** **** benefits *** ******* ***** ****** ** unionize ** ******* ********** - ******* to ***** ******* ********** ***** *******:

********* (***** ****) **** **** * new ******** ***** ** ******.

*** ***** *** ** *** ** avoid **** *** ****** ** ** have ** ******* ** *** ***** during ******** ***** ** ***.

John Honovich
Jul 20, 2023

****** ******* *** **** **** ** unsafe ***** *** *******

**** ** *** ********** ** **** it's ********** **** ***** ***** ****** all **** *** *****, ** ***** that's **** ** ********** ** *** few ***** * **** **. *** example, **** *** ***** *****:

IPVM Image

*** ********* ***** ** **** **** will *** **** **** ***** ** checkout *******. **** **** ******** **** organized *** ****** *** ** **** a ****** ** **** ********. ** is ****** ******* ***** ** ****** in ****** *** ****** *******? **** of *** ******* ** **** **** sell ***** ** ******* **** * imagine *** ******** ** * ******** of ******* ****** ** **** ***** costs (***** ***** ** ** ** the ** ******* **** ** *** required ***** ************ ** *****).

Undisclosed #1
Jul 20, 2023

**** ** *** ******* ** **** they **** ***** ** ******* **** I ******* *** ******** ** * function ** ******* ****** ** **** labor *****

**** ** ******* *****.

*** ******* ***** ** ******* ********* knows ***** ** **** **** *** store ****** ***** ** ***** ******* each ****... *** **** ***'* **** enough ****** ** *** *** ***** they *** ** ****** **** * shit - ** *** ********* **** make ** ** **** **** *** (not ********* ** ****** ******* ** they ***'* *** ** **) ***** they *** **** ******* ******** ****** paying *** ** *** ******-****** ** the **** **** ****.

**** *** **** **** ** ******* one ** ***** *********** ****** ** absorbed, ****** ***** ***** *** ******* to * ***** *** ***** **** to ****** * ***** *** ***** product ** ******* - **** ***** a ******** ********* **** ** ******** the *********.

** * *** ** ******** ** DG (***** * ** ***) * would **** *** **** **** **** are ** ***** ********* ***** ** combat *** ****/***** ******** **** ********* have.

Sean Varney
Jul 21, 2023
IPVMU Certified

* **** ** ** ****** ** store ******* ***** * **** ** get *****. * **** ** **** over * ******* **** ***** ** palm *****, * **** * ****** of ****** *** *** *****, *** I **** *** ** ******* **** than *** *******. *** ****** *** comparable ** ********* ***** *********** ****** and **** **** * **** ********* of **** *** ** *****. ***** are ****** *** ** *** ********** keeping ****** ******* *** ******* ** eye ***.

*'** **** ******* ******** ** ** Amazon ***** ***** **** ** ****, which ** ***** **** **** ***** neighborhood ******* ***** **** * **** selection ** ***** ******* *** *****, including * **** *******. *****'* **** a *** *** **** *** ***** find ** * ***** ***** *** a ****/**** *** *******. **** ***** has ******* ***** ******, ** * can **** **** ****** *** *** shelf *** *** **** ** **** when * ****, ** * *** use *** ** ***** ***** ***** that ***** **** ***'** ******* ** the ****.

** ** ****** **** *** ** have ***** *** *****, *** ** all *** ***** *'** ******* ***** I've ***** *** * ******* ** the *******. **** * ** ***** a ****** ******** **** * **** put ****** ******** ** ** ******** bags ** *** ***** **** *** just **** **** *** **** * put *** **** **** ** *** corral.

* ***** *** ***** ***** *** the ****** ** ****-********, ** ** honest, *** *** *** ****** ** grab *** ** ****** ***** *** dense *** ** *******. ***** *** cameras ** *** **** *** * scale ***** **** *** ****, *** it ********* ******** *** *** ******* in ** ****** ***. ****** ** slowly ******** ** **** **** *** at ***** ***** *********.

*** ********** *** **** ********, *********, and ********.

John Honovich
Jul 21, 2023

* ***** *** ***** ***** *** the ****** ** ****-********

****, ******! ***********. ***** ** ****:

** ***** ** **** *****, * did *** *** *** ** *** mass ** ******* ***** *** ******* as ** *** ***** ******* ******. Does ****** **** *** *** ***** are ***** *******? ** ** *** camera ** *** **** ******** *** UPC ****? **** ***** *** *** show ******* ***** ***** ** ****** or ********** ** ******* *** **** works.

Sean Varney
Jul 21, 2023
IPVMU Certified

* ******* *** **** ** ***** cameras ** **** ** ****** ******, and *** **** ***** ***** ** is ** *** *****. *** **** also *** * *****-** ***** ** the ******* **** **** ***'** ******* in *** *** ***** ** ********* the ******.

Sean Varney
Jul 21, 2023
IPVMU Certified

**** ** ******* - *** ******* are ***** **** *** ****. *** can *** *** ** **** ** the ***** ** *** ****, *** there *** *** **** ****** *******.

John Honovich
Nov 20, 2023

Brian Karas
Nov 20, 2023
Pelican Zero

****** ******* ****** **** ****** ** an ***-***-***-*** ************ *****. *** $**/**. you **** ** ** *** **** whatever *** ****. ** ******** ******.

Conor Healy
Nov 20, 2023
IPVMU Certified


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