I'm really positive about this idea, but also really skeptical. Optex released their 2nd Gen 'Virtual Loop' vehicle presence detector, which they claim replaces in-ground/buried/trenched vehicle induction loops at gates.

** ******** ********* **** ****** ******* *****, ********* ***** *** ****** ***** that ****** *** ******** ** *** metal ******* (**** ********) *** ******** gate ********* **** *******/******* ******** *** even **********. (****** ******* ******** *********! )

********** **** *** ** * *** chore *** ******** *******, *********, *** maybe **** ******** ******* ** *******:

IPVM Image

*** ***** '*******' **** **** ***** $400 ******, *** ********** ** *** aligning ** ***** **** **** ** hour. ********** ****** ***** *** **** an ****** ***, *** ******** *****, and ******* ******* ****** *********/****/*********.

***** **** ***** ****** ** */*** the ******* **** *** **** ** a **** ****:

IPVM Image

*'* ** **** ********* ***** *** sensor *** *********** ***** ** ***/****. I've **** ****** ***** **** **** a **** ** **** **** **** still ****, *** *'* *** **** of **** ******.

**** **** ***** '******* ****' ******* digging ****** *****?