Subscriber Discussion

Does Every Country Need To Make Its Own Network Devices, Or ???

Undisclosed #1
May 31, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Following the national security argument to a logical, if admittedly extreme conclusion, that is where you might end up.

Assuming that is unrealistic, what is a workable solution?

1. Western countries/western cameras, Eastern countries/eastern cameras

2. Allied countries/allied cameras

3. No cameras from foreign government owned companies

4. No cameras from foreign government owned companies in non-allied countries

5. Open or reviewed source firmware cameras only

6. Other?

Israel Gogol
Jun 01, 2018

TBH many a time I find these debates on Ipvm leading nowhere... My feeling is, if it is really important for you, you will go the extra mile to check the equipment you buy (check for security , not usability) and use the appropriate best practices. 

I also think that even then , it might not work, if someone really wants to get you, they will...and if they can't get through the networked device, they will infiltrate into your organization and use someone on the inside.

Japanese companies' buying spree in the 90s was also scary to many U.S. Companies,does Japan rule the U.S.Economy like everyone feared?



Undisclosed #2
Jun 01, 2018

"I also think that even then , it might not work, if someone really wants to get you, they will."

You are absolutely right:)

How a fish tank helped hack a casino

Undisclosed #1
Jun 01, 2018
IPVMU Certified

...if someone really wants to get you, they will.

Hacker Jr: Damn! There’s just no way in to this casino network. I’ve tried everything! 

Hacker Sr: Well you could always hack into the fish tank.

Hacker Jr: Hack into the fish tank, are you crazy?  I don’t know nuthin about how you exploit a fish tank.

Hacker Sr: Its no different than any other random IoT device. You won’t even know you’re in one.  Later when word gets out, the hack will be trumpeted as ingenious trickery!

Hacker Jr: That’s brilliant! How do come up with this stuff?

Hacker Sr:  You have to really want it...



Jon Dillabaugh
Jun 01, 2018
Pro Focus LLC

It really wasn’t that great of a hack. It wasn’t a fish tank that was hacked. It was the PC that monitors and controls the environmentals for the fish tank. Not really that unique in the grand scheme of things. 

Undisclosed #1
Jun 01, 2018
IPVMU Certified

...check for security...

What do you think the ‘best practice’ is to determine whether there is an intentional backdoor left in your camera by the manufacturer?

Undisclosed #2
Jun 01, 2018

‘best practice’

Ship cameras to IPVM for testing!

Undisclosed #1
Jun 01, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Ship cameras to IPVM for testing!

Ship cameras to bashis for testing!

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