Subscriber Discussion

Does “Burning In” The Time Stamp When Recording Hurt Smart CODEC Performance?

Undisclosed #1
Jun 26, 2018
IPVMU Certified

So based on what I have gathered about smart CODECs, one way they save space is to make the GOP (group of pictures) longer, dynamically, sometimes several seconds long, based on how idle the scene.

But when you burn the picture with ts before recording, since the second is changing more or less every second, does that make the GOPs get shorter than they would otherwise?

Maybe it’s not enough pixels being changed to really affect the calculation.  But I’m sure in some night scenes at least, it must be the thing that changes the most frame to frame.


Josh Hendricks
Jun 26, 2018
Milestone Systems

I haven't actually tried to measure this, but my feeling is that your instinct is right and it's a minimal number of bits to describe the changing timestamp and it's likely immeasurable most of the time.

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