Over the last month, we have made a number of improvements to discussions:

Threaded Conversations

Now, direct replies are threaded / indented making it easier to group and see different branches of the discussion.

Infinite Scrolling

We eliminated pagination (e.g., page 1, page 2, etc.). Now, regardless of how many comments there are on a discussion, as you scroll down, more comments are added without having to click to another page.

Embedding Videos and Images from URLs

You can now embed videos using the insert/edit video button. Additionally, if you already have a URL for an image, you can just enter it in the insert/edit image button / dialogue.

Both of these will help you make your comments more visual and informative.

Resizing Images Easily

If your image is too large, you can grab any corner and drag it in to make it fit better.

Undisclosed Users Now Have IDs

When multiple people post undisclosed in a single conversation, you can now see which responses are from the same person, with a 7 digit unique ID. See multiple undiscloseds here.

Improved Commenting on Mobile

Now you can use the full editor on mobile instead of a simple text box.

Reply To With No Page Reload

Now, when you reply to a specific comment, we just display a new form immediately (AJAX) making it quicker and easier to do so.

Reply To Comments on Articles

Now you can reply directly to specific comments on articles.

Easy Comment Reordering

If your comment is directly in response to someone else, but you forget to reply to that specific comment, we now have an admin tool to drag and drop it as a reply, making it easier to keep comments well organized.

Commenting Auto Formatting

Often, people will accidentally insert extra spaces or lines, making the comment look sloppy. We automatically eliminate those to minimize space used and to keep the comments style looking uniformed.

Comment Box Top and Bottom

To make it easier to comment, we now have a comment submission box at the beginning of each discussion and after the last comment.

What Else Do You Want?

Let us know what you think and what else you want.

Discussions are going great so we are continuing to invest in making this the most powerful forum it can be.