Subscriber Discussion

China Exporting Its Surveillance Tech And Philosophy To Other Countries

John Bredehoft
Feb 01, 2018
Bredemarket / Incode Technologies

First let me state the obvious personal interest here - I work for a vendor that is in partial competition with several Chinese vendors, so I have a vested interest in this. I should also note that all countries, including my own, look for ways to promote exports of their own companies to other countries. 

But it's interesting to note the patterns that suggest a particular Chinese strategy (again, not exclusive to China) - offer gifts to third world countries, thereby helping the vendors establish a presence in those countries.

From the article:

"Soft power is key focus for China at the moment, particularly as part of its One Belt, One Road mega infrastructure project. Another way China spreads its influence around the world is by donating surveillance equipment, as happened in Ecuador. It's a shrewd move. Local governments can say that it would be foolish to turn down generous gifts from such a powerful nation, and that once accepted, it would be a waste not to use the equipment. China can claim that it is "helping" other nations improve their internal security, while establishing a beachhead for Chinese companies that manufacture the surveillance equipment. The latter can then build on that to win further sales -- and to help spread Chinese-style surveillance yet further."

(Techdirt) China Exporting Its Surveillance Tech And Philosophy To Other Countries, Helped By Equipment Donations

John Honovich
Feb 03, 2018

John, thanks for sharing. That Techdirt article cites the SCMP, a Hong Kong newspaper that took this picture:

If anyone can notice what VMS software they are using, please share. We will look into this more. Thanks.

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