Subscriber Discussion

China Develops Laser Gun?

Undisclosed #1
Jul 03, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Who said China can’t innovate:

A Chinese firm has developed a laser gun designed for police use that can set fire to protesters' hair or banners from a range of almost one kilometre.

The general manager of the ZKZM fiber laser company, who asked to remain anonymous, said the weapon would "immediately" produce a "strong pain response" in the target but stressed it was designed to be "non-lethal".

"The weapon is designed to do things such as setting fire to illegal banners at a protest or setting fire to the hair or clothing of a protester," he told AFP.

"It is not designed explicitly for killing like a gun that uses bullets and cannot cause the 'instant carbonisation' of human skin and tissues," he added.

The 15-mm calibre weapon weighs three kilogrammes (6.6 pounds), has a range of 800 metres (2,600 feet) and can pass through glass and other transparent obstacles.


John Honovich
Jul 03, 2018

To the contrary: Science calls bullshit on China's 'AK-47 laser gun', e.g.

the weapon most likely doesn't exist. The physics are practically impossible. Realistically, the battery alone would have to weigh several hundred pounds to provide the energy needed to fire a hot laser beam a kilometer. Not only that, the beam itself would have a hard time once it left the gun. As the beam passes through the air—and more importantly, the water molecules in the air—the 'heat' of the beam would disseminate, rendering it little more than uncomfortably warm if fired anywhere further than the width of an average living room.

It's probably a press release designed to instill fear in opponents of the Chinese government (right down to the mention of 'illegal protests'). The very idea of an invisible laser that can set you on fire is much more effective than the actual implementation of the weapon itself, because the only thing scarier than this gun is the idea of getting shot by it.

Undisclosed #1
Jul 03, 2018
IPVMU Certified

There’s just no way that a laser powered by a lithium-ion battery that a person could carry would be capable of producing the kind of heat described at point blank range...

Yeah, “just no way”.

Sean Patton
Jul 03, 2018

My knowledge of lasers is mostly limited to making air quotes when saying laser, so maybe I'm not understanding this type of laser technology, but couldn't protestors just start carrying mirrors?

Also 6.6lbs is roughly the weight of an AK-47, but I wonder what kind of battery strength it has because I can't imagine it could maintain a significant length of time output? 


Scott Bradford
Jul 03, 2018
IPVMU Certified

The real question is, can they put it on a shark?


I do agree with  The 'active area denial' system, which only creates heat (but doesn't burn) is on the back of a truck and has a HUGE antenna on it. The Airborne Laser System, which is designed to shoot down ICBM's is in a 747 and takes up basically the entire plane.    So, unless China has also perfected the flux capacitor or pocket sized cold fusion, there's really no way that you can create that much power in a man portable (or shark portable) device. At least, not yet.



David Delepine
Jul 03, 2018
Brivo • IPVMU Certified

Whoever marked this post as unhelpful obviously has no sense of humor! I mean come on we are talking about sci-fi weapons (ak 47 laser guns) coming out of a “firm” in China. Cameras sure, but laser guns?

And as for the flux capacitor, maybe they could put one in a Dahua car? Not sure if it could make it up to 88mph or not...

Undisclosed #2
Jul 03, 2018

Have I seen this laser work? No. Have I seen this laser not work? No.

I think directed energy would be used before burning a person's iris out.

Patent - Weapon having lethal and non-lethal directed-energy portions

Does the shark need a laser? I did see one patent MFAEPS that states their plasma can work underwater operating with the resonant frequency of water. I think I need my tin foil banana hat for that one.

Brian Rhodes
Jul 03, 2018
IPVMU Certified

The US Air Force trialed a chemical based laser weapon with some success, but it was cancelled in early 2010s.

The major problems?  It was the size of a jumbo jet and cost more than a half a billion dollars each.

Even if China had the R&D to make such a thing smaller, it would cost so much that outfitting a single normal 12 man rifle squad with them would run whole percentage points of the entire $175 billion Chinese Military budget.

Jon Dillabaugh
Jul 24, 2018
Pro Focus LLC

That’s only true when the manufacturer isn’t state owned. The raw materials couldn’t really be that much. 

Shannon Davis
Jul 24, 2018
IPVMU Certified

It's on the internet so it must be true. Especially if there is a video of it!!

Undisclosed #1
Jul 24, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Funny you should mention it, now there is a video of it in action, supposedly...

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