Subscriber Discussion

Anyone Have Focus Issues With The Q3518?

Mark Davis
Aug 27, 2018

Got a couple of these to add to my Q3517s.

Right off the bat, the focus is terrible...especially on the periphery of the image.

I tried setting home positions w/PTZ for max and min zoom and defaulted to the min zoom (this was suggested when I had focus issues with the Q3517).

Anyone else having these issues?

Also, firmware is only up to 8.25.5 vs. the Q3517 is at  Perhaps there are some fixed that haven't made it in yet.


Mark Davis
Aug 27, 2018

I should note that if I enable the on-screen PTZ controls and manually focus, I can fix it...but when I reboot the focus is out again...

Only when I save the manual focus point with the home PTZ setting (which is a newly defined PTZ, not the default home) does it work across reboots.

Is this process typical? Surprised it cannot auto-focus....there are some pillars in the foreground of the image that could be fooling the system.


Undisclosed Integrator #1
Aug 27, 2018

You can set a focus area to exclude the pillars - make sure there is something of contrast in the area you select. 


I haven't seen the Q3518 but you should also be able to reset the camera and use mode which is something along the lines of "zoom for installation" where the camera behaves like a varifocal lens rather than a zoom lens - this should make the focus/zoom set and forget which is more typical for a fixed camera.

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