ACRE COO, Ex-Lenel President Ron Virden On Mobile, Biometrics And Interior Doors

John Honovich
Jul 21, 2018

SSN has a video interview with Ron Virden, current ACRE COO, former Lenel President:

Most of the 20-minute discussion is about the demand for using mobile phones for access control, noting strongest draw for this being for new companies (without existing infrastructure), with millennials (and millennial decision makers) plus the potential for increasing access control usage on interior doors (helped in the future by mobile phone usage).

What do you think of his thoughts?


Undisclosed #1
Jul 22, 2018

Transition is inevitable in technology. I do not like entities with security backgrounds to hone in on next generation technologies then assume they can portray real world scenarios/deployment by tossing technological verbiage at the equation. I would rather see a radical competitor pull the rug from their feet, and deliver applications within the same hierarchy of the manufacturers. 

Conceptually their basis of access control is definitely portrayed as forward-thinking in Ron's video, however there does not exist a much better proof of concept and technology adoption within the IT/S, Cyber security grid. Integration needs forecasting and production POC without basic API/SDK jargon promising a false achievable positives that overwhelm fact.



John Honovich
Jul 22, 2018

Integration needs forecasting and production POC without basic API/SDK jargon promising a false achievable positives that overwhelm fact.

What? I have no idea what this means.

I understand your first paragraph to mean that you prefer new entrants over incumbents but the second paragraph, you lose me.

Undisclosed #2
Jul 22, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Interesting observation that the existence of cutting edge residential technologies are putting pressure on commercial adoption of equivalent magic.

Historically I would imagine this used to flow in the other direction, albeit in a limited much delayed manner.

Of course commercial implementations have far more stringent requirements, which may be underestimated in the rush to please the jejune millennial expectation.

btw, I’m torn between two equally likely intentions for this typo:

What do you think of this thoughts?

Does “this” have an added leading “t” or lack a trailing comma?  ;)

John Honovich
Jul 22, 2018

I fixed that. Thanks.

People in video sometimes make a parallel argument, e.g., that 1080p and 4K are pushed from the consumer side as people become familiar with those offerings being marketed for home use.

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