$2 Million On Weapons Detectors But Not Enough School Staff To Supervise Students

Conor Healy
Nov 20, 2023
IPVMU Certified

When a school district spends millions on weapons detectors, as many have, what is the opportunity cost? While false marketing is a major issue with Evolv (e.g., 1, 2, 3), there is also the issue of what else this money could be spent on. How many teachers or counselors could be hired instead?

A mother with two children at Salt Lake City schools - which recently spent $2 million on Evolv - wrote a letter to the Salt Lake Tribune asking exactly that question. The schools are apparently struggling to manage student behavior:

**** * ***’* ********** ** *** fact ****my ******** ****** *** *** ******** ******* either being exposed to dangerous second-hand smoke or possibly being ******* ** * **** ****. Students *** *** ******* ** *** *** ******** ** *** ****** *** ***** ****** due to issues with behavior management that the school cannot currently contain.

In * ****** ******** ***** **** $* ******* **** **** ***** ** “*******” *********, *** ** ***** *** ****** ***** ** **** ***** ** ************* ********* *** ******** **** **** *** ** *** building? [emphasis added]

**** ****** * ******* ******** *** security *****: **** ** *** ***** decision***** ******** **** ******** ********** *** spend ***** *********? *********, ******* **** always ******** ****, *** ** ** important **** ************ ******** **** *********, particularly *********** ******* ********* ** ******* ******* ** ***** ****** ** ******** or ** **** *****.

Undisclosed #1
Nov 21, 2023

**** ** *** ***** ************* ******** **** ******** ********** *** spend ***** *********

*** ************** ***** ** *** **** **** of ****** **** ********* **** ********* actuaries ***: **** ** *************?

*** **** ***'* *** ****, ** it?

**** ****** *** *********** ** ******** that ********* ********* ****'* (** ******* to ******** *********** *** ** **** for * ******).

*** **-******, ***-***** '******** ********* *********' are ***********-************ ** *** ********* ******* to *** *** ********** ** ***** human ********* ********... ********** **** **** alone **** *** **** ** ******** that **** '*****' *** ******** ******* de ****.

******* ********* ********* ** ******* *** The ******** *** ***** *******

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Nov 21, 2023

**** * *** *** *** ***. Spending * ***** *** **** *** seems **** ********* **** ******** ******** with ********.

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