Subscriber Discussion

Chinese 195 Gigapixel Imaging

Joe Mirolli
Dec 20, 2018
IPVMU Certified
Brian Rhodes
Dec 20, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Interesting. I saw this company on Facebook, so I dug a bit.

Here's the link to the China based company promoting this: Big Pixel

It appears from the website the ultra-high pixel imaging is mostly used for marketing and promotion, not real time surveillance.  One snip from the website mentions how much bandwidth and time is needed:

John Honovich
Dec 20, 2018

These gigapixel shots have been around for maybe a decade. For example, here is one from the 2009 Obama inauguration.

And we had some other discussions - Cool Gigapixel Shot At Football Game

There had been some gigapixel surveillance cameras but that 'trend' has yet to take off.

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