Subscriber Discussion

Latch Access Control With Built-In Camera

David Coughlin
May 25, 2017
Protection One / ADT

Please let me know if you've had experience with the Latch product? It's in a decently sized specification but, the website doesn't offer enough information for any review.

Thank you,

David Coughlin


Michael Miller
Feb 06, 2019

Bump.... Does anyone have experience with Latch? One of our customers asked us to look into the product so I am looking for some feedback. 

Brian Rhodes
Feb 06, 2019
IPVMU Certified

I emailed with them last November.  They were not yet shipping product but claimed they had several 'extended beta test sites' whose feedback would translate into the finished product.

A quick check of the website returns a sign-up waiting list for when they release individual locks, but that they only were fulfilling orders for entire buildings at this point!  That is either extreme confidence or crazy arrogance!

A standard networked lockset is ~$400 - $500, plus there is an ongoing service fee of $5 per opening, so a building with just 200 units would be spending ~$1,000 per month in cloud access.

The hardware is similar to what you get with Schlage NDE, Aperio, or Salto product, but the management software lags behind what you'll likely get from mature platforms.

For example, Latch claims few integrations (UPS for deliveries and Comelit Intercoms), so integration with video and alarms (even if possible) is likely to be basic and 'initial release'. 

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Feb 07, 2019

I tried to contact them a few months ago with some actual relevant product and integration questions for an integrated solution we are developing and was met with somewhat of a stonewall response.  I sort of got to the point of asking them (only via email -- no phone numbers were available at the time and no actual names of contact people in sales, marketing, or engineering were available) what the secret word has to be in order to get any info on their company or solutions.

So, to that point, it came across as arrogance .... forward a few hours until I found an actual sales manager's name on LinkedIn and was able to connect via LinkedIn messaging.  I expressed my frustration and somewhat lackluster experience in trying to connect with their company and I did finally get a response asking exactly what was I looking for (not sure they actually read my email with the details) and that they were only servicing entire building inquiries at this time.

At that time, I was working on a spec for a multi-family new construction project and was interested in learning more about their solution ... I stopped trying any further.

It seems the new companies coming into the access control space are doing business a little differently than we're used to!  You can call it what you want, "millenial marketing" (not bashing anyone here by the way), but I actually stated in the email I was "allowed" to send to them that I really just needed to talk to a real person, and that request was not met with a ready desire to fulfill said request.

I thought the solution looked very interesting, but they seem to be applying "App" mentality to a solution that still has a very much hands-on and "door guy" physical aspect that cannot be magically ignored.

All these folks from the Apple world are getting bored  I guess ... LOL


Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Sep 24, 2019

[IPVM Note: Poster works for Brivo]

Try Brivo instead, the global leader in cloud-based access control. Brivo is making a ton of inroads with multifamily developers and it's a multidimensional product that solves more customer challenges in more customer segments.

Michael Miller
Sep 24, 2019

Brivo and Latch are completely different solutions. Latch now has a partner program and is stopping by our office in 3 weeks for a full demo of the solution. From what I have been told it looks like a great solution for multi-family/apartment customers.

Undisclosed #3
Sep 24, 2019

Wonder who he works for.

Brian Rhodes
Sep 24, 2019
IPVMU Certified

To be clear, this poster works for Brivo.

Brivo poster, disclose future affiliations when you recommend your own product.

Future comments will be deleted as spam unless this disclosure is made.

David Shapiro
Apr 15, 2020

Hi David,

I’m also David, the VP of Engineering at Latch. I came across this thread, and I believe I can help answer some of these questions.

Can you help me understand your concerns with cloud-based software? Is it related to user privacy or data security?

A smartphone is just one of multiple ways to unlock doors or handle lockouts. For unit entry doors, residents can use doorcodes, keycards, or even their Apple Watch. They can also request a mechanical key and opt out altogether. When sharing access with others, you also have the option to send a temporary doorcode or download the app—which can be done remotely.

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