Subscriber Discussion

VMS: Port Forwarding Vs. VPN Vs?

Nick Gold
Aug 14, 2024

Most routers I have seen limit port forwarding rules somewhere between 20 and 64. Any ideas on how to best forwarding 100+ rules for remote access by my cloud VMS?

Thank you in advance.

Tyler Graham
Aug 15, 2024

** ******** ****'* *** **** ***** to ** **********. *** *** ******** your ***** * *** ****?

Tyler Graham
Aug 15, 2024

* ****** ** ******* *** ******* says ***. ** *** *** ******* yourself ********** **** **** ***** ****, yes, * *** ***** ***** *** ports *** *** **** **** *** would **** ** ******* ** *** VPN ****.

Nick Gold
Aug 15, 2024

** ***** - ***** *** *** the ********.

**** ******* - * ** ****** to **** ***** *********** **** * white ***** *** **** ******** ********* and ** **** **** ** ** a ********* *******. ** * **** http&rtsp *** **** ****** ** ****** ONVIF, *** **** ********** **** ****** on **** ******* **** ******** ** from ********** ** ***** **** **** > **-** *******.

** ***?

Tyler Graham
Aug 15, 2024

**, ***********. ****. ***, **** ****** approach ** ** ******** *** * point ** ********** *** ******** ** an **-*** ********. **** **** **** do ** ****** ** ******** ******* that *** ** ****** ******* *** of ***** ***** *** **** *** can *** *** ******* *** ** the *******.

** *** **** ** ** *** prosumer ***** **** ** ********* **** Tailscale. ***** *** **** **** ******* (GL **** **-*******) **** **** *** tailscale ** *** ******** ** *** don't **** * ****** ****** ** host *** ***. ***** * ******* exit **** ** * ****** ******. It's **** **** ** ***** *** doesn't **** ****** ** *********.

** *** **** ** ** *** enterprise ***** **** **** ***** / Silverpeak ** ****** **-*** *********. **** is ***** ** ** **** ******, more ********* ** *****, *** ****** public ** ********* *** *** ******** handle **** *********.

Michael Miller
Aug 15, 2024

**** ***** *** *** *** ***** that ******** **** **********?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 15, 2024

******** *** **** ** **** ***, SD *** *** **** ** **** forwarding ***********. **** ***** * ***** server *** **** **** *** *** vms ** *** **** **** ** port ******* *** **** ***** *** multiple ***** ******** *** *** ***?

**** ******** ***** /********** ** *** Linux ** ***** ****** **** **** an ********* ****** ** *******.

*** ******** /***** ******** ******* *** very *******.

John Honovich
Aug 17, 2024

* ****** ***** *** ****** ***** port **********. *** **** ** ***** high **** *** ****** ************* ***** to *** ******* ***** ******.

****'* **** ******** **** ****-*** (** upcoming ******* ** ** ******** ***** this ****):

**** **********: - ******* ******* ******** to *** ****** ********, ******** ******** risks(*)(*)- ** ******* ** *** ** compared ** ****(*)- ** ***** ******** ****, ********** for ******* *******(*)- ** ***** *********** ** **** manufacturers **** *********, ******* ******** ********(*)(*)

*** **** *****/*** ******: - ******** more ****** ****** ****** ******* **** forwarding(*)- ** ******** ************ ****** ** VMS ********* *** ***** ************(*)(*)- ****** ****** ****** ******* ****** tunnels ******* ******* *****(*)- ***** ******** ******* **** ***** to *** *** ********(*)

** *******, ******** ******* ********* ******** port ********** **** ******** *** ***** more ****** ******* **** **** ** cloud-based *** ****** *** ****** ************(*)(*). *******, **** ********** ******* ******, especially *** ******* *******, *** ** its **********(*).

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