Vandal Resistance Problem For Ring? Guy Clubs Doorbell Camera With AR-15, Wrecks It.

Brian Rhodes
Jun 09, 2023
IPVMU Certified

Usually, AR-15s make news for being used in mass shootings, but a Tennessee 18-year-old (allegedly) used one to destroy a Ring doorbell:

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** ***** **** *** **-******** *** been ********, *** *** ******'* ********* says:

(*** *******) ****** ** ** *** front **** *** **** *** ****-***** off *** *** *** ****, ‘********* I *** ***** ** ** ****** really ****** **** *** ***’, *** took *** **** ** *** *** and ****** *** **** ****** ** the ***** ****.”

** ****'* **** *****, ******:

*** ***** ***** *** ** ** the **** ** *** ***** ** the ***** ******, **** *** **-** by *** ****** *** ***** *** gun *** ***** *** ****** **** the **** ** *** *****.

*** *** **** ** **** * rifle ** * **** ** ******* cameras ** * ****** *********** - the *** ***** **** **** * baseball ***, ***** ****, ** **** a ***** *** **** ******* ******.

**** **** *** ***** *** ****** with **-*******, *** ****** ****? ********** doorbell ******* *** *** *** *********** to ** *********** *******.

*** **** *****, * ** *** think **** *********** ********* ***** *** a ******* *** **-*****, ******-********* **** - ********** ******* ** ******* ****'* ballistic ******* - *** **** *** already *** * ***.

**** ** *** *****?

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jun 09, 2023

********* **** **** * ****** ****** form ****** ** ** ****** *********. (Axis *** *** **** ****** ** be ****, *** **** ** *** other *************.)

* ** *** ***** **** *********** customers ***** *** * ******* *** IK-rated, ******-********* ****

* **** * ****** *** **** to **** ** * (**********) *** neighborhood ** ******. *** ******** **** vandalized *** *****, ***** ** *** it ** ****, ***. ** *** point ** ***** ******** ******* ** his *****, *** **** ********* *** cameras. ** ***** ** **** ** there **** **** ****** ******, ****** proof, ********-***** *******. (** ****** *** lives ** * ***** **** *** just **** **** *******)

Undisclosed Manufacturer #2
Jun 09, 2023

** ******** **** ** * **** argument ******* ***** ************ ********* *******.

*****'* ****** ******* **'* * ****, Hikvision ***** ******* ($** ******) ** an ******** ***, ** *** **** a ******** ** **, **'* ****.

Arne Furre
Jun 10, 2023
IPVMU Certified


******* ******* *** ******** **** ******: a ******* ****** ********* ** * post ****** *** ******** * ****** attack, ************* *** ** ************* ******* itself ** *** ********** **********.

Lynn Harold
Jun 11, 2023

*'* ****** **** *** ***** ***** doorbell ************* **** ***** ***** *** and *** *** ** **** ***** to ***** ******* ****, *** ****** would ** *** *** *** **** would ** *** **** *** *** typical *********** ********. *** ** ******* lived ** ** **** ***** ********* is ** *****, **** *** *** a **** **** *** **** - would *** ******** ***** *** ***** and *** *** ***** *** * finger ** ***** ** **** *** bell.

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