In 2019, IPVM examined Facewatch's GDPR compliance.

The UK's GDPR regulator, the ICO (Information Commissioner's Office), has closed its investigation into Facewatch's GDPR compliance, concluding "no further regulatory action is required".

**** *** * *********** ****** *** the ****** ** ** ****** ***********, essentially ********** *** *** ** **** facial *********** ** ***** ***********.

******* ****** ***** *** ******* *****'********** ******* *********- ***** ******** *** ************* - had ****** **** ****** ** ******* the "*********** ****** ********" ********.

*** ****** ******** ********* *** **** "************" "** response ** *** ********" **** ** "focusing ** ****** *********" *** "********** a **** ********** *******":

********** *** ******** **** *********, ** considered ******* *** ******* ******** **** data ********** ***********. ****** ** ****** the ******* *** * ********** ******** in ***** ******’* ******** ****, ** identified ******* ***** ** *******.

** *********** ***** ***** ** ******* and **** ********* **** ** ******* them. ** ******** ** *** ********, Facewatch ****, *** ********* ** ****, improvements ** *** *******. ***** ******* reducing *** ******** **** **** ******* by ******** ** ****** ********* ** individuals ********** *********** ********; ********* ***** procedures ** ********** * **** ********** Officer; *** ********** ***** ********** ** vulnerable ** ******** **** ** *** become * “******* ** ********”.

***** ** *** *********** ******** ** Facewatch ***** ************ ******* **** *** the ******* ************ ** ** ******, we *** ********* *** ******* *** a ********** ******* *** ***** ******’* information *** *** ********* *** ********** of *****. **’** ********* ********* **** no ******* ********** ****** ** ********.

********* ** ******* **** ** * major ***, **** ******* ***** ***************** "****** *** ***" *** *********'* technology:

IPVM Image

**** ** *** *****? ****** ******* stores ** ******* ** **** *********' faces ** ***** ******* ***********?