Top 3 Tips For IPVM Webinars

Brian Rhodes
Mar 07, 2019
IPVMU Certified
If you're new to IPVM Classes, don't worry! Here are three tips that will help get you situated for class starting March 19th for 12 times over 6 weeks (Tuesday and Thursday) at 5pm ET - 6pm ET.

1. You enter the webinar by clicking the link (under the 'Your Courses' heading) at the right side of the main page.

2. We host a live chat for your questions/answers. The chat opens up automatically when you join the webinar. After you join, introduce yourself to the room!

3. Be ready to ask questions. Our goal is to answer your questions during class, so be ready to ask them in chat during the webinar. We will answer them directly during the presentation.

Have any other questions? Feel free to ask them here!

Bo Kroumov
Mar 22, 2019
IPVMU Certified

There is no pic for question 1 

Brian Rhodes
Mar 22, 2019
IPVMU Certified

That's odd.  Here is the missing image:

I'll open up a troubleshooting issue to figure out why the image isn't showing.  Which browser are you using?

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