Subscriber Discussion

Free Egress In Access Controlled Areas

Undisclosed Integrator #1
May 02, 2018

I'm sure this is in here somewhere but this is not my area of expertise. 

I do the burglar alarm and cameras at a marijuana dispensary, but subbed out the access control so I am partially involved. This location passed inspection several months ago and has been operational as well. Today I stopped by to look at the cameras and was speaking with their security director. He said the state cannabis inspector came in for a check up recently  and mentioned that they may require additional card readers on the inside of the controlled rooms making it necessary to swipe their credentials to get out. Currently you only have to swipe to get into the rooms but only have to turn a handle to get out. 

I know there are circumstances where this is ok in certain high security locations, but my concern in this case is that this prevents free egress from these rooms. If you are allowed in by someone with credentials, and they leave, you are locked in, or if there is some sort of equipment malfunction.

I don't see a the local AHJ/Fire marshal being ok with this. What is normal in these situations. 

Brian Rhodes
May 02, 2018
IPVMU Certified

Even a highly regulated cannabis farm is subject to the requirements of NFPA 101/IBC where it is recognized.  If you get the fire marshal involved, I expect you'll find the stringent security requirements change.

Areas like bank vaults are highly excepted, and perhaps cannabis operations legitimately need exception, but it needs to be done at a high level.

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