Testing Vivotek IP7161 - 2MP MPEG-4 Camera

Published Jun 03, 2009 06:45 AM

*******'* *** *** ****** (*** ******) expands ***-**** ******* ******* ** *****-********* cameras.

*** ******'* ************* ******* ******* *** MPEG-4 (*** *** *.***) *** *** a ******* ***** **** ** ***** at **** * ****. *** **** results **** *** ******'* *********** ** solid ****** *** ***** *** *** exceptional. *******, **** ******** ***** ***** $***, ** ** ********* ********** *** hundreds ** ******* **** **** ***** cameras ** *** ********.

*** ********* *** ****** **** ** to ******* *** ********* ******* *** camera ** **** ****** *** **** application, ***** *** *********** ******* **** savings ** ******. *** *******, ******** this **** ********** **** ***** ******** ******** ********.

*** ************** ** ********* *** ****** include:

  • Video ******* - I thought the video quality was solid but not as sharp as others that I have been testing. Additionally the low light images tended to be nosiy and less sharp than others. As I did not do a formal comparison test, I will limit my remarks here. You, of course, can download the actual video clips below.
  • Bandwidth - The camera uses MPEG-4 rather than H.264 so there is potential for increased storage and networking cost. However, in the tests, bandwidth consumption was fairly modest with 2Mb/s to 3.5Mb/s the average consumption for 1600 x 1200, 10fps. It's hard to make a definitive claim here because different vendor's H.264 implementations consume different bandwidth levels.
  • Frame **** - The frame rate is definitely no more than 10fps. With Vivotek's own internal tool, I measured 8-9 fps consistently. If you need more frames per second, this is certainly an issue. For general monitoring (as the video samples show), the frame rate was sufficient.
  • 3rd ***** *** ******* - VMS support is currently very limited. Exacq helped me by providing a beta version. Vivotek's cameras are widely supported so I view this as more of a short term issue than a permanent barrier. However, if you are going to use the camera, you should be sure that your VMS supports this model.

Video ******* **** ****

********* ****** ********** * ******* ** ****** *** lighting **********.

** *** ********** *****, * ******* comments ** *** ***** ******* ** key ****** * ***.

Physical ********

*** ********** ***** ***** *** ****** and ******** * ***** ******** ** the ******** ***** *** *******.

Configuration *** ************

*** *******, * **** *** ******'* web ********* *** *****'* ********. ** I ******* ** *** ********** *****, the ****** ****** **** **** *****'* software. * ******* *** ** *** Vivotek's *** ********, *********, ** * *** * ****** of ******** ***** ** ********* ************ in ********* *** ********* *****.

Examining ********* ********* ** ******* *** ***** **** ********

** *** ***** *******, * *** the ******* ******** *** **** ****. In *** ********** *****, * ******* the ****** ** ********* ** ******* the ******* ***** *** ******** *** frame ****.

******* *** ******* ***** **** *** provide **** '*******' ******* *** ** does ************* ******** ********* ***********. ** such, * *** *** **** **** benefit ** ********* ****.

******* *** ***** **** *** ******* modest ********. ******** **** ** *** to * *** ******* *** *** rate ** **% ***** ******** ** 3fps ******* *** *** **** ** an ********** **%.

Comparing *** *** *** ******** - ***** ******* *********

** ******* *** ** ****** *********, most *********** *** ******** *** **** streaming. *** *** **** ** *** variety ** ****** * ******, *** daytime *** **** ****** **** *.* Mb/s ** *.* **/* (**** ******* fps *** **********). 

*** ********** ***** ***** *** ****** of ******* * ******** *** **** of * **/* ** ** ****** environment **** *** ********* ***** * Mb/s ***** ***. **** *** ***** quality *** ***** **** ********. ***** should ********* ** ******* ***** ***** CBR ** ****** ************ *********.


********* *** ****** ** ****** ** center ****** *********** ****'* **** *** your ******. ** **** *** **** any ****** ******** *** ** *** performance *********** ** *** ****.

** *** ***** ****, *** ****** did *** *********** *** *********** ******** (though, ** * *********, * ***** be **** *********** ***** * ***** party *** **** *******'* ******). ***** quality *** *****, **** *** *** night. ********* *********** *** ******. ***** rate, ***** * ******* ** *****, was ********** *** ******* **********.

*** ****** ** $*** ** $*** less ********* **** ******* ******* ** the ****** *** *** ******* (**** the ******* **** ***** *** **** relevant ********). *** **** ** *.*** may ******** ******* ***** ** $*** (depending ** ******* ****** *** *******) but **'* ****** *** ****** ** eliminate *** **** ******* ** *** product ****.

*** ********* ******* ** **** * low **** ********* ** **, **** product ****** **** ****. **** ** Six ** ***** ******* ** ** office ** ***** ***** ******* ***** coverage.at * **** *** ****. ****, consider ***** *** ****** **** *****'* SY125M ****** (*** ******* ** *****). **** *********** ***** ***** ** entire ******* *** *** **** **** $1,000 ***.