Axis 4K Tested (P1428E)

Published Oct 29, 2014 04:00 AM

[****** ****** ****: ** ******** ******* firmware ** **** ****** *** ** upcoming ****, **** *.**.*.* ** *** new *.**.*. ** ***** **, *** increased *************, **** ******** ***** **** visible **** ********** ******. **** ******* 2014 **** *** **** ******* ******.]

*** ***** ***,**** ******** *** ********* **** ****.

***, **** *** ***** *** ***** to ******* * ** (*.***) ******. However, *** ******** ** ******: ** we ****** ******** ******?

** ****** ****** *****-*, ** *** **** ********** *** drawbacks ** *** ******** ** ******** *****-********* cameras.

**** *** *** *** ******** **** this ****:


  • ******** ********* ******* ** ******* *** ***** than ***** *****-********* ******* ** **** lit **** ******.
  • **** ********** ****** ****** *** ***** of **** **** **** ******* (**** vs ****) ******* ******* ***** ***** count (*** **** ** ** **:*, compared ** **** **** *** * taller *:*).

*** *****:

  • **** *********** ** ~* ***, **** test ***** *** ******* ***** ****** legible, *** ** ****** ******* ** test *******. **** *** ***** *** Bosch ********* *** ******* ******* ** both ******* *** *****.
  • ** ****** ****** ** ~*.* ***, while **** *** ***** *** ***** starlight *** ******* ********* *** **** chart **********.


  • **** *** *********** ******* ****** ********* and ** ****** ** ******* ********** in **** **** ****** **** ****.
  • [******: *** ** *** ********, *** performance *** ********* ** *** **** area ** *** *** *****, **** our ******* *** ***** ******* ******* in *** *******.]

***** ****:

  • ** ****** *********** ** *** ** full **********, ******** ** ~** ** most **** ********* *******.


  • ****** ********* *********** ** *** ******* tested ** *** ****** *** ****** scene ** *** * ***** ****** (though ** ****** ****** **** ******** on *** ~*.***).
  • ******** ***** **** **** ***** *** Arecont **** ******* ** **** ************ scene, ****** ****** **** *** ***** starlight *** ***** **** ************ ** 5 ***.
  • ** ** *** ** *** **** intersection *****, ******** **** ~**% ****** than *** ***** **** ***** *** ***** 25% ***** **** *** ***** *** starlight *****.


*** **** *****-* ******** *****$*** *** ******, **** ********* **** ****' *** ****-*** 1080p*****-* *****(~$*,*** ******) *** ******* ** ******* *****-********* ****** such ** *** **** ******* *********** (~$*,*** ******) ** *** ******** ***** ******(~$*** ******)

** **** ** *** ***** ** camera ***** ******* *********, ** ****** yet ** ******** ** ***** ** options.


***** *** ******'* ********** ******** ***** ***** for ******* ***+ *********, *** **** driver *** ******** **** ** *** in ****, ****** ***** *****.

*** ******* *********** **** ** *** P1248e's ********** **** *** ***** *********** and *** **** **** *** ***********. This ****** ***** ******* ** ** outdoor ****** **** ********** ****** **** both ******.

*** *** ****** **** ***** *******, 1080p *** / *** ***** ******* like****' *** *****,******** ****** *,**** *** *,******* ******* ***, ***. **** ****** ** ****** fits **** **** * ****** ******** in ******* *** ****, ****, ****** light ***** ** ***.

Market *********

**** **** ***** ***************, ******* ** increased *********, ********* ***** **** ** found ** *** **** ** *** ** ** ********. *** ************* (******** *** ************** *** ******* *********) **** **** much ** ******* *** ***** *********** above **** ** ***** **********, ** it ******* *** *** *********** *****.

Physical ********

**** ***** ******* *** ******** ************ of *** *****-*, * ********** *** outdoor ****** **** ****** *** ****.

Narrow ***** ** ****

** ***** ****** *** *****-* ******* other ***** ********* ******* ** * relatively ****** ***** ** ****, ***** 20' ****, ** ******** ***** ******.

**** *****, ~*****

** **** *****, *** ******* ******* strong ******* ** *** ******* *** due ** **** **** *** ****** and ****** ********. *** ***** *** Arecont ******* *** ******* ******* ** performance, ******* **** ** **** * on *** **** *****.

** **** ****** *** ******* *** color ******** ** **** ***** ***** to *** *** ******** ********** ** the ** ******. ***** *** *****-* *** closest ** *** ********* *****, ** cameras *** ***** ***** ************ ****** in **** *****. *** **** ***** and ***** ***-***** **** **** ******** desaturated.

*** *****, ~***

** *** *****, ***** * ***, the *****-* **** ***** ***** ******* of *** *******. **** *** ***** and ***-***** **** ****** *******, ***** the ******* **** ******** ** ****** image.

**** (~*.***)

** ~*.* ***, *** *****-* ******** only **** ****** ********* ** *** subject *** *****, ***** *** ******* AV10115 ***** ******* ** ****** *****. The **** ***** *** ***** ***-***** Still ******* **** ******* ***** ** the **** *****, ****** ******* ******* are ********.

Wide ***** ** **** 

** ******* *** ********** ***** ** view ** ***** **', ***** ***** strong ****** ********, ~*** ***.

*** **** *****-* *********** *** **** Arecont ** **** ***** **** **** subject ******* *** ********** ** *** chart. *******, **** *** ****** ********** ** light **** **** **** * ******** impact ** *** *****'* ***** *******, with *** **** *** ***** ********* similar ****** ******* ** * ******, despite *** ***** **** ** *** 4K ******.

*** ***** *** ** *** ********* performer ** **** ***** *** ** increased *** *** ****** ******* *****. As ****, ** ******** ********** ****** details ** *** *******, ****** ***** lines ** *** **** ***** (*/* vs. */* ** *** **** *****-*).

Wide ******* ***** 

** ****** *** *********** ******* ****** sunlight ******* ** **** ******** **** and *** **** **** **** ** it, **** **** ** *** *****-*:

*** *****-* *** *** ***** ********* in *** *** **** *****, **** poor ******* ** *** ******* ******* strong *********, ***** ** *** ********** undetectable ** *** **** **** **** to *** ******** ****. 

Sample ******

***** *** ******** ***** **** ***** sample ******, ***** ** **** *********** between *** ** *****-* *** ***** multi-megapixel *******.

**** ************

** **** *****, ******* **** ****** on *** ****** ** * **** intersection, ******* ******* *** ********** *******. This ***** *** ******** ** ** FPS **** ** ******* ***** **** issues, ******* *** **** **** ********** of *** *****-*. ******* **** ** the **** ******* *******'* *** ***** rate ** * ***, ***** ** struggled ** ********, ********* *-* ***. ******** **** ***** (***** ******* .***)

******** *******

**** **** ***** ****** *********** ** a **** ******** *******. *** *** width ** ***** **' ** *** subject's ******** ********.******** **** ***** (**** ******* .***)



*** *****-* *** *** ****** ********* of *** ****** ****** ** *** indoor **** *****, *** *** ****** only ** *** ***** *** ****** measured ** *** **** ******* ************. This ** ********** ******* ***** ** is ** *** ********** ** *** 1080p **** *****. 

*** ************ ***** ** * *** with ************ ************ ** ***.

************ *********

** * **** ************* *****, *** P1428-E ***** *** *** ****** ******* at * ***. *******, ******** ** 30 *** ** *** ******* ******* (*****-*, *****, and ***-*****) *** *****'* ********* ********* beyond *** *****, ** ***** **%. It ** ***** ***** **** *** NBN-80052, *******, ***** ********* ************ ** **** 15 **/* ** **** *****.

5.80.1 ******** ****** ************

***** ******* *** **** *****-* *********, we **** ***** ******* *** ****** firmware ***, ********* ** *** **** patch *****, *** *** ** ** follows:

**** *** ** ********* ** *** image ********** *****, **** *** *** firmware (*.**.*) ** *** **** ******** to *** *** ******** (*.**.*.*) ** the *****. *** **** ******* ** the ***** *** ******** *************, **** our ******* *** ***** ******* *******.

*******, *** ** ***** ** ***** in ****** *****, **** *** ***** overexposed *** ********* *** *** *******'* face ****** ** ********.

Test **********

*** ******* **** ****** ***** ******* settings ***** **** ******* ***** (************ to */*** ***), ********* (*** ** 5), *** *********** (************ ** ~*** as ***** *****).

*** ******** ******** **** ** **** test:

  • ******* *********: *****
  • **** *****-*: *.**.*.*
  • **** *****: *.**.*.*
  • ***** ***-*****-**: *.**

***** *.*.*.***** *** **** *** *********.

Comments (10)
Jim Hall
Oct 29, 2014

Howdy! Fine addition to the chart with the expanded eye rows. Along the same lines, I was thinking it might be more than helpful to see a thumbnail of the original uncropped image in the chart, just to show the FOV's. What with all these different aspects and lens options possible... Whaddya think?

Cooper Chen
Oct 30, 2014


I guess..all these compared model equipped with vary focol lens so the tester can adjust the FOV to same level to compare, and for bullet type..usually the lens cannot be changed...

Jim Hall
Oct 30, 2014

Yup, they are probably vari-focal for the reason you state, but if all the sensors aspect ratio (active pixels) is not the same, then they must have different FOV's, I reckon. But of course you can make at least the HFOV's the same, so that the PPF(h) numbers in the closeups jive.

Still I think its good to see the individual FOV's (when different), just because it helps you gander what each camera would get you. In this here other topic about 1280H sensors and what-not, see toward the end where the two actual non-distorted FOV's are shown, one-two. I hadn't realized that the two FOV's were that different because when you size-up the 1280x720 to the 'xtra-wide' version of 1280H, instead of the 4:3, they seem pretty close.

Ethan Ace
Oct 30, 2014

The difference here is that there is no non-standard aspect ratio like 1280H. Cameras are mostly 16:9, with one 4:3 (the Arecont 10MP).

The 16:9 cameras are all set to the same field of view, which is the sample we provide above the comparisons.

They're all set to this within a tight margin. The Arecont AV10115, being a 4:3 resolution, adds to the vertical FOV only, both top and bottom (we center all the cameras vertically so the "horizon" matches).

Because of that, the Arecont's coverage area is larger vertically. Whether 4:3 or 16:9 is "best" is a separate discussion, and a topic we covered elsewhere. We match horizontal field of view because it's the right way to measure relative performance of the same coverage area.

Jim Hall
Oct 30, 2014

Sir, I do and did agree with you its the right way to set the FOV's for the comparison, here:

But of course you can make at least the HFOV's the same, so that the PPF(h) numbers in the closeups jive.

On the other hand if I was interested in buying the Arecont camera I would sure want to know that what its actual FOV was, wouldn't you? That's all I'm saying.

Back to the Axis: It would seem that this here is a 16:9 physical sensor. Or do you suppose its a 4:3 where 4MP of pixels are always dark?

John Honovich
Oct 29, 2014

Weak read levels for this report, not a good sign for 4K.

Last week, in the first 12 hours, Hikvision HDTVI had 600 reads. Yesterday, in the first 12 hours, H.265 chip had 500 reads.

Today, in the first 12 hours, Axis 4K had just 300.

[Btw, first week reads for Axis 4K are on target for ~3,000, far less than HDTVI or H.265 chip.]

This continues a trend we are seeing of weak interest in 4K and softening interest in Axis.

Mark Jones
Oct 30, 2014

Excellent test Jon, and very clear, usable data. One remark and one question. The remark is that 4K has a premarket reputation for being expensive. Could that help account for the low interest so far? Question. I THOUGHT I had read that 4K is similar to HD in that everything in the system has to be 4K. Or is that just monitors? Could you clear that up a little. By the way, just my naked eye opinion, but the Bosch wins this round.

John Honovich
Oct 30, 2014

"I had read that 4K is similar to HD in that everything in the system has to be 4K"

That's a permutation of the argument Do Not Use Cameras With Higher Resolution Than The Monitor Displaying Them.

If the monitor is less than 4K, than you cannot see all the pixels of a 4K camera on screen at once. If the monitor is less than 1080p, you cannot se all the pixels of a 1080p camera, etc.

That said, if there is greater detail / better image quality, that will easily be seen when digitally zooming in, whether it is live or recorded. For example, in the comparison shown above, we have digitally zoomed in so you can 'see' the additional pixels and whether they make a difference.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Oct 31, 2014

As this is the first 4K camera model readily available, it cannot yet be compared to other 4K options."

Bosch also released the Dinion Ultra 8000 4K UHd camera.

John Honovich
Oct 31, 2014

We asked Bosch multiple times when and if it was shipping (recall they were the first to announce 18 months ago). Everytime for the last year, Bosch would say that another delay occurred. I am no sure if it is shipping yet. We will eventually do a 4K shootout with multiple vendors and will consider testing it then.