Vivint has filed a notice that it is appealing the $190 million damages verdict issued against it in February 2023 in favor of rival CPI.

A jury found that Vivint engaged in unfair trade practices and awarded $49.7 million to CPI across 4 counts. It also awarded $140 million in punitive damages.

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***** *** ****** *****'* ******* **** points ****** **** ********* ** *** U.S. ***** ** *******, *** ******* has ******* ****** ** * ****-******* motion **** *** ******* ****** ** reduced ** **** ** ****** *** a *** *****.

*** ******* ******* *** ******* *** based ** "************" ******** (******, ******** complaints *** **** ***** *** ********** actions ******* ******).

* ***** ******** ***** ********* ** a****** ****** ****.

******* ********** ******'* ********* *****:

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****** **** ******* *** ******* ***** was *** **** ******* ** *** "many ***** ******* **** ***'* ****** net ******." *** ***** ***** ***** was ** ***** ********* "** ******* the ********** **** ***'* ****** *** income ** ******** ** *** ******* limitations ** ******** ******* — ***** are ******** ** ****** *** *********."

*************, ****** *** ********* ** ****** the **** ******* ***** *** ***** began, *** *** ***** (******** ** CPI) *** ************* ***** **** *** final *******,********* ** ******* ****** ****** ** the *****. ******* *****:

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*** ***** ** ******'* ****: ***** damages ******** *** ***** ******* ** appeal, ********** **** **** *** ****** punitive *******. ** *** ***** ****** will ** ********** ** *** ******?