Subscriber Discussion

PTZ That Can PTZ To A GPS Coordinates?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 25, 2017

Hello All, I am aware of sightlogix but are their any others?

The goal is to be able to do Geo-based visual tracking.

Greg Cortina
Aug 25, 2017

FLIR rep:l

I don't sell it but I get calls for this product



Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 25, 2017

Thanks Greg. So this is Geo pointing only, correct? Are you able to share the MSRP for PTU-E46-17?

Greg Cortina
Aug 25, 2017

Sorry, there is a sales person for it named Lisa.  There are many versions based on requirements.

I don't sell it, I just get asked about it often.

Randall Raszick
Aug 25, 2017

I may be taking the simplistic approach, but wouldn't panning/tilting/zooming to a target area be set up as part of a tour or PTZ alarm presets? In that case, GPS coordinates would be an aid to the techs setting up the presets, not something intrinsically required in the camera.

Brian Karas
Aug 25, 2017

Usually when people are referring to this functionality it is in reference to a PTZ that is used in conjunction with some other sensors (video analytics, ground radar, etc) which can identify a target and calculate GPS coordinates of the target. Those coordinates are fed directly to a PTZ, or through some VMS application, which can then compute a P/T/Z position for the PTZ to center on the target and get more detail.

In the IPVM Camera Calculator example below, the green camera would be a PTZ (as well as a 'spotter' camera itself), if the fictitious video analytics application running on these 4 cameras (3 fixed, 1 PTZ), spots a person on the golf course after hours it would compute the GPS coordinates of the person and send that data to the PTZ or VMS. Then the GPS coordinates would be used to move the PTZ to the location of the person to get increased detail for the guards monitoring the system.

Jubal Routley
Aug 25, 2017
IPVMU Certified

Not sure of your exact application, but if you have a radar we can offer Slew-to-Cue tracking of targets with our long range PTZ cameras.

*Infiniti Optics Employee

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Aug 25, 2017

Yes. We have a radar that can do that. What is your contact info?

Jubal Routley
Aug 25, 2017
IPVMU Certified

It is or you can call our office 1-866-200-9191 ext 115 we would be happy to help you find a solution.

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