Subscriber Discussion

List Of Relevant (Or Possibly Related) Trade Shows

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Nov 01, 2017

How about a list of trade shows for reference for security integrators and dealers? Or sites for organizations that maintain trade shows? We have lists for so many other things.

Sometimes I get an email about a trade show that is too late for me to make plans to attend and I forget to make a note to look into registering the next year.

There are the obvious trade shows:


ISC East/West

..but there are some others that may be of interest or related, for example...

CES - Consumer Electronics Show

ESX - Electronic Security Expo

NARPM - National Association of Residential Property Managers

Infocomm - Professional audiovisual trade show

IWCE - International Wireless Communications Expo

Those are some of the examples I am thinking about for this list. Some may not seem directly related to security, or can be with a little "out of the box" thinking.

Just having a reference list I think would be a useful thing for readers.




Undisclosed End User #2
Nov 02, 2017


 Closed to Law enforcement only. Highly recommend for LE.


Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Nov 02, 2017

So in that case I guess the only way an integrator/dealer could attend is as a sponsor with a booth.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Nov 10, 2017

ESC - Embedded Systems Conference. Their description "Experience the industry's largest, most comprehensive technical conference for embedded systems professionals. Connect with top-level engineers, developers, and decision makers at the forefront of driving embedded systems design."

CPSE - China Exhibition Security Exposition

Security Essen - German security expo.

Intersec Expo - Middle Eastern security show.

BICSI - Cabling installation and design organization.

InfoSec - Description from website "We are the community’s ‘go-to’ resource for Cybersecurity Conferences." Apparently they organize various shows by other names too, such as BlackHat. (What, you mean cyber security is becoming a thing in physical security?)

Scott Clingan
Nov 10, 2017
IPVMU Certified

Good idea.  Sounds like a good topic for a IPVM article to me. 

Never been to this one but have seen it advertised.


"TEC, presented by PSA, is the premier education and networking event for all professional systems integrators in the security and audio-visual markets. "


Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Nov 13, 2017

ACA - American Corrections Association. I've heard though there is a lot of parole people along with corrections. So maybe not as many opportunities as you might think for the physical security integrator.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jan 10, 2018

FETC - Description from website "For nearly 40 years, the Future of Education Technology Conference has gathered the most dynamic and creative education professionals from around the world for an intensive, highly collaborative exploration of new technologies, best practices and pressing issues."

John Honovich
Jan 10, 2018

#1, have you been to it or know much about it? I have never heard of it so I don't have any idea. My main question is how much it is related or covers security / video surveillance technology?

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Jan 10, 2018

John, no, I have not been to it and I probably should have elaborated why I am including it. I thought it possibly of interest because (1) it is technology orientated, but also (2) education is a popular target vertical for security integrators. I know almost any trade show might possibly have relevance to include security if you stretch it far enough.

But in this example with FETC, without giving away too much information, my first thoughts were I have run into the question about access control integration with educational ERP systems before.

Also, emergency mass notification is also a concern in the education industry, and how systems can be integrated into current education technology systems might be of interest.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #1
Apr 18, 2018

IAHSS, International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety

From their website: "dedicated to professionals involved in managing and directing security and safety programs in healthcare facilities. IAHSS is a professional association with more than 2,000 members who are healthcare security, law enforcement, safety and emergency management leaders. "

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