Impressive Integrator Newsletter - Reed Security

John Honovich
Apr 18, 2018

Take a look: Reed Security - WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS DOES NOT STAY IN VEGAS 2018, It's from Virgil Reed, the CEO of the company.

Virgil highlights various new products with numerous images from the show, including DSC,, Avigilon and Hikvision.


He even has a picture with Hikvision NA's CEO: 

I think this is great integrator marketing. If I was one of his customers, I would come away both informed and impressed that my integrator knows all these things and people, and how much more credible he would be then the guy who just buys what on sale at the local branch.

What do you think?

Virgil Reed
Apr 18, 2018

Thanks for the mention John!! Keeping our clients informed and engaged makes a difference.

John Honovich
Apr 18, 2018

Virgil, happy to! Curious - have you ever gotten feedback from your customers or even prospects about the newsletter? Do you see it making a difference or?

Virgil Reed
Apr 18, 2018

I send our e-newsletter to 5000+ customers (and friends, suppliers, prospects) every 2 weeks in conjunction with related Blog posts and social media posts. My goal is to engage prospects and customers and be top of mind when it comes to making a buying decision. I also handle the marketing for our dealers and they are licensed to re-publish our content. 

From time to time I send out an offer, but I don't want our clients to feel like we're pressuring them. Most of the content focuses tips, tools, innovative solutions and case studies.

Customers often reply directly to my email rather than filling out a web form and have no problem giving you a positive or negative review of our service. We implement the feedback to improve our business. It's a great way for customers to be heard and build brand loyalty. Many customers and colleagues do mention they love the marketing.  

It's inexpensive and and has paid for itself many times over. I no longer use mass media. 






John Honovich
Apr 18, 2018

Great feedback, glad to hear!

David Morgan
Apr 19, 2018
Security Dealer Marketing

Hi Virgil - This is all excellent and correlates with our findings from dealers and Integrators nationwide.  Continuing to add value keeps you top of mind.  Think Email Marketing is dead?  There are 205 Billion emails sent every day and the average ROI is $38 per $1 spent on Email marketing. 

Continue to build your brand Virgil. Bravo!

David Morgan
Apr 19, 2018
Security Dealer Marketing

Thanks for sharing this John.  I completely agree that this is great Integrator marketing.  Frankly this is great marketing for any installing company, Integrator or Dealer.  What is the purpose you may ask?  Remember, our end user customers are realistically not here and rely on us as being their security liaison. We attend these types of shows, do training, continuing eduction, etc. and it's our job to share this with them.  

Virgil - Kudos to you for taking the initiative on this.  This positions you and your team as the expert you are.  I challenge all others to follow Virgil's lead on this. 

I'd say if I had to give my best estimate, less than 10% (and that is probably very gracious) of security companies deploy this type of marketing.  Most if not all security companies should be producing content for their customers and prospects.

Virgil Reed
Apr 20, 2018

Thank You David!

Undisclosed #1
Apr 19, 2018


What happens in Vegas stay in Facebook:)

Silas Li
Apr 20, 2018

Atta boy, Virgil.  Congrats on the Kudo's on IPVM.   Great to catch up with you at the show.  I still need to get our picture from you as it was a better shot from your camera.  You outdone a Chinese guy with his camera.  Go figured.....

As I said to you, your email newsletter is one that I actually look forward to.  Its what every security company should be doing, except you're doing it well.   

Great job.  Keep it up......& the smile too!

Silas Li

Virgil Reed
Apr 20, 2018

Thank you Silas. I admire what you and Derek have achieved at Alarm Max!

I emailed the photo to


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