Subscriber Discussion

What Is The Relationship Between Dahua And Uniview?

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Nov 30, 2017

Does anyone know what the relationship is between Dahua and Uniview? Too many of the camera and NVR models use the same naming conventions and are very similar.  So similar that it begs the question about whether they are really the same products under the hood

David Delepine
Nov 30, 2017
Brivo • IPVMU Certified

To my knowledge there is no overt relationship between the two (anyone who knows otherwise please feel free to correct me). They do seem to have similar camera specs, a lower price (which comes with a lesser warranty and less support), but the integrators that I know who use them do seem happy with the quality to price ratio.

That being said, I have not personally used them or thoroughly vetted them yet, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. Also they only offer IP cameras, no HD over coax options. Oh and they had a hack too... if I remember correctly it was even simplier to exploit than any of Hikua’s (couldn’t resist). I have considered adding them to my line up as the new “economy ip” option, but so far haven’t had enough demand to bite the bullet and make an order.

Hope this helps!


Brian Karas
Nov 30, 2017

Oh and they had a hack too... if I remember correctly it was even simplier to exploit than any of Hikua’s (couldn’t resist). 

You might be referring to: Uniview Recorder Backdoor Examined

Overall, the Hikvision Backdoor Exploit remains one of the easiest to exploit, as the same string allowed admin access to any affect Hikvision camera, regardless of strong passwords, etc. The Uniview recorder hack requires first retrieving the admin password hash from the device, and then passing it back in a URL. Still easy and low complexity, but overall not as simple as Hikvision's backdoor.

David Delepine
Nov 30, 2017
Brivo • IPVMU Certified

Thanks Brian, that is exactly the article I was referring to. I remember Bashis made a comment about Uniview’s backdoor being worse than Dahua’s (or maybe he was just referring to the company in general lol). As always thanks for setting the record straight!

bashis mcw
Dec 01, 2017

Well, Dahua has some sort of 'security', Uniview has not - Uniview has big front-door with heavy locks, but no perimeters/fences around their premisses

Had some illustrating pic that #U1 posted once, but seems to be lost now - #U1? :)

Undisclosed #2
Nov 30, 2017
IPVMU Certified

Too many of the camera and NVR models use the same naming conventions and are very similar.

Why reinvent the wheel? ;)

Jay Hobdy
Dec 01, 2017
IPVMU Certified

We use alot of Dahua, and one particular Uniview camera model and the interface does not look the same at all.


I doubt there is any relationship

Undisclosed Manufacturer #3
Dec 01, 2017

There is no relation whatsoever, they are pure competitors. I visited both of their R&D departments, factories and production lines less than a month ago. Both quite impressive, by the way.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Dec 01, 2017

In China, there are naming conventions used for products which are government purchased.  So many companies Dahua and Hikvision and it would seem Uniview will have products/models codes with similar naming conventions.

So you will often see many models could easily be mistaken this way.

A relationship between companies would require a lot of detective work, however, it's strange indeed all three companies are in the same city.  I expect there is a great deal of crosstalk between the higher level management.

I don't suspect the topic is cybersecurity, which these professional companies are world leaders off. 

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