Subscriber Discussion

Axis Video Intercom With Standalone IP Phones?

Robert Batten
Feb 20, 2018

Has anyone had any luck creating a master station(s) so to speak for the A8004-VE or A8105-VE Video Door Stations?  I was looking at the Grandstream GXV3275 as a possible solution, but don't know if it would work without an actual phone system server.  I'm looking for a solution for a customer that has an old PBX phone system that has passed it's EOS date and has no IP expansion.  They really want to use the Axis door station as they use them on every other site.  Aside from buying one, programming IP settings and trying it; it seems as if it may be time for them to upgrade their phone system.  

Sean Patton
Feb 20, 2018

You can reach out to Axis support for exact details, but I saw something similar work a couple weeks ago. I believe it was a Grandstream phone (not sure of the model), and it was connecting using SIP to a master Axis speaker for paging in a library. Your other option is to use a small Intel NUC type box and run a small Asterisk SIP Server that communicates between the SIP phone and Axis door stations.

Is the customer looking to operate in a 1-to-1 situation (one door station per master station) ?

Robert Batten
Feb 20, 2018

They want a 1 door station to 2 phone standalone solution.  


Our company installs Digium, but I don't have any experience with the Asterisk engine.


Michael Miller
Feb 20, 2018

Yes, you can make a direct call from the intercom to the phone without a PBX.   If you have more then one intercom or phone you need a PBX.  For small systems, you can use a Raspberry Pi running FreePBX. 


Robert Batten
Feb 20, 2018

So 1 to 1 works but not 1 VDS to 2 phones?


Robert Batten
Feb 20, 2018

Thanks for steering me in the right direction guys.  The phone lingo throws me off a bit as I come from the security/ access/ cctv world. 

After speaking with Axis tech support, you can program them as different SIP extensions without a server and connect peer to peer!  They gave me instructions for Grandstream phones.  


I will report back how it works out but it looks very simple!  

Steven Puente
Mar 23, 2018

Robert,   any chance you can send me the instructions for the grandstream phone?

Robert Batten
Mar 01, 2018

I was able to setup multiple sip addresses in the phones and use the P2P method for ringing them both.  I think since the phones have multi sip extensions you could actually work out a 2x2 configuration as well! 

The only issue I am trying to work out is getting the door unlock GUI to pass thru to the touchscreen phones.   Any scripts or advice?!

Michael Miller
Mar 01, 2018

Let me know if this setup gives you "video preview". When the phone rings the video is displayed before you answer the phone. 

Robert Batten
Mar 01, 2018

Currently, NO it does not.  

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