Does Anybody Want ObjectVideo Analytics?

Published May 26, 2010 00:00 AM
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One question we regularly ask manufacturers who OEM or re-sell analytics is how well sales are doing. The most interesting responses come from Object Video partners. In the last 6 months, we asked 5 Object Video partners how sales were for their OV enabled devices. All of them responded that sales were minimal to negligible. To that end, we were not surprised to see SSN report:

"The regional rep for Pelco I spoke with said integrators weren’t exactly beating down his door for the Sarix cameras, and said virtually none of them was interested in the OV analytics add on."

On the other hand, all of these reports (ours and from SSN) were from North American partners. By contrast, Object Video claims its core growth is from Asia

However, most manufacturers excel in their home markets due to natural advantages in marketing. The regular negative feedback on Object Video from North America raises important questions.