Budget Cuts for Security Managers

Published May 13, 2009 00:00 AM
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In a survey of over 250 security managers, the Security Executive Council is reporting significant drops in security department budgets (see their executive summary from their research section). Key statistics include:

  • 52% respondents report budget cuts
  • Average general budget reduction of 5% 
  • Average Capital projects / equipment decrease was 11%
  • [Note: averages above were calculated by weighing statistics from the increasing and decreasing charts in the executive summary]
  • Video was one of the two most common tactics to increase security with decreasing budgets
Decreasing security budgets are not a surprise but they should be cause for concern - especially when examining the industry for 2010 and beyond. Projects over the last 6 months where funded pre-Meltdown. By the end of this year, new projects will be under the pressure of post-Meltdown budgets. This is a main reason in my argument that 2010 could be worse for the industry.