TVT Q1 2024 and 2023 Full-Year Growth Analyzed

Published May 28, 2024 13:50 PM

TVT recorded much higher growth in Q1 2024 than peers such as Dahua, Hikvision, and RaySharp. Why?

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For other IPVM coverage on PRC China companies' recent financial performance, please read:

** **** ******, **** ******** ***'*** **** ********* ******, ******* ****** ******, *** ********* ******** *&* ********** ***** ***** *** ******** ******** and **********.

Executive *******

*** *******'* ** **** ***** **** ~$37 ******* ***, ** **.**% ***, and *** *** ****** *** ****** $6 ******* ***, ** ****** ***% YoY. **** ** *********** ****** ****** a **** **********,** *** *** * **% *** sales ****** ** ** ****.

*** *******'* ******* *** *** ****** include "******* ********** *******" *** ******** fluctuations. ***** **** (**%+) ** ***'* sales *** ********, ********** ** ***** America, *** *** ************ (+*.*% ******* Chinese ****) ** ** **** ********* unit ****** (********* ** ******* ****) and **** ******* *** ***** ******. Despite *********' ******** ********, *** *** not ******* ** ******* ** ******* any *********** ***** **** ***** **** contributed ** *** ***** ******, *** neither *** ** **** *** ****** guidance *** **** ** ***** ** whether *** ****** ******** ***** ********.

***'* ***** ****** *** ** *** Q1 **** ***** *** ****** ****** earlier **** **** *** ** *** ~26% **** **** *** **** ** April *** ** *** *********** **** year-to-date. *** ******* **** ***** ** its *&* ******* ** *** * that *** "***** ***** ************ *** affected ** ******* *******" *** **** "there *** ** ***** ************ ** the ***** **** ***** **** ** fully ******* *** *******'* **** *****." This ******** *** *******'* ****** ***** price **********.

** *** **** ****** ******, *** company ************ ***** ** *** ********** on ******** *******, *********** "************ ************* and ***** ********* ** ****** *****" as **** ** "******** ****." ** address **** *****, *** ********** *******/*************** efforts ** *** ******** ******* ** Vietnam, ***** ** ******** ** ***** mass ************* ** ****, ** **** as ***** "****** ***** ************" **********. Unlike********, *** *** *** ******* *** attempt ** ******** ******** ******* ***** to **** **** *** ************ ***** it ***** ********.

Q1 **** & **** **********

***'* ** **** ***** **** ** 32.62% *** ** ~$** ******* ***, and ** *** * ~**% *** profit ****** ****** *** *******, * recovery ******** ** ** ****'* ********** low *** ****** ******:

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******* ************ ** *** ****** ****** levels, ***'* ***** ****** ** ** 2024 ** *********** ***** *** ** a **** ********** ** **********'* ***** **** **.**% *** ** Q1 *********** **.**% *** ******* ** ** 2022 **** *** *** ***** *****-** lockdown.

** ****, *** **** **.**% ** sales ** ~$*** ******* ***. *** whole-year **** *** ****** ****** *** ~14%, * ******* *********** **** *** previous *** ****** ****** ** ~**% in **** *** ~*% ** ****.

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*******, *** *******'* ***** **** *** 10.33% ** *** *****-**** ****** ******* 2015 *** ****, **** ************ **** 20%+ *** ******* ** **** *** 2021:

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Q1 **** ****** *********

*** **** ********* ** ******'* ** **** ****** *&* *********** *** ******* ****** *** ** 2024 ****** ******* "******* ********** *******," which ******** ** ****** ***** *******, as **** ** ******** ************:

***** ** *** ***** ******* ** 2024 ********* ************* ******** **** **** due ** *** ******* ** *** company's ******* *********(**********), ***** ******* ******* costs *** ********* ***** ****-**-****. ** addition, **** ** *** ******** ** overseas, ***** ***** **** **** ** our ****** *** ***** *** ******* in ***. *** ************ *** ** an ******** ** ******* **** *****, which **** ****** ** ******** ** our ******* ***** ******.


*** ****** ** ******* ********* ***** that ***** *** **** ****** ** product ******* **** ****** ***** *******, thus ******** *** *******'* ******* ***** margin. *** ******* *** *** ******* any ***** ******* *** *** ******, neither *** ** ******* *** ***** orders ******** ** **. ** **** said **** *** ********** *** ********* to **** ***** ******* *** *** "normal":

*** *******'* ********** *** ********* ********** are *** ******. *** *******'* ********** capacity *** **** ******** ***** *****. Order ******** ** ******* *** ******** according ** ******** ****** *****.


No **** ********

******* * ******* ** **** ******, TVT *** *** **** *** ****** guidance *** *** **** **** **** like **** ***** ********* **. *** company **** ****:

** **** ****** ** ** * good *** ** **********, ***** ** our **** ********, *** ***** *** supporting ******** *** *********** *** ********** of ******* ******** ********* ** ******** needs. ********* *** *******'* ****** ******** plans, ****** *** ********* ** *** regular *******.


****** ********* ** **** ***** ****** its "******* *******" ********* ****** *********, TVT ********* *** ********** ** *** competitive ********** ******* ****** ****** *** Q&A *******:

****** *** ********* ** *** ******* reports **** ** ***** ** *** company's ******** *****. ** ***** ** growth, *** ******** **** ***** *** product ********** *** **** ***************, *** we *** **** ** ********** ** future ***********.


Heavy ******** ** ******** ******* & ************ *****

******* ** ********, ***'* ******** ** primarily ******** (**%+) *** ** **** subject ** ***** ** ************ **********. In ******** ** ******** ******** ***** the *********** ************ **** ******* ** ***** ******* Dahua *** *********, *** **** ** **** ***** attentions ** *** ********** *******:

***'* ******** *** ********* ********** ****** with *** ************ ** ******** *** regulations ****** *** *****. *** ********** team **** **** *** ********* ** changes ** ***** ******** *** *********** in * ****** ******.


******* **** ********, *** ************ *** higher ***** **** ********* ********:

***'* ******** *** **** ** **** countries *** ******* ****** *** *****, with * ********** **** ********** ** countries *** ******* ** ****, ******, and *** ********. *** ******* **** continue ** ****** *** ******** ******** allocation ********* ** ****** **********.


** **** **** ******** ******** *****. We **** ******** ** ****** ******** resource ********** ********* ** ****** **********, continue ** ********** *** ************* *** adaptability ** *** **** *** *********** as **** ** *** ********* *** economic *********** ** *** ******* ***** the *******'* ******** ** ********, ************* our **********, *** ****** ******* ********* risks.


*** **** ********* ************ ***** ** its **** ****** ******:

***** ** **** ******** ****** ***** and *********** ** *** ************* ***** environment: *** ******** ******** ******** *** a **** ********** ** ***** *****, with ***** ************ ** ***** *******, Europe, *** ****. ************ *********** *** trade ********* **** ********* ** ****** years. ** **** ******** ** ****** relevant ******** ********** ********* ** ****** conditions, ************ ********** *** ************* *** adaptability ** *** **** *** *********** as **** ** *** ********* *** economic *********** ** *** ******* ***** the *******'* ******** ** ********, ******* differentiated **********, *** ****** ******* ********* risks.


Expanding ******** *****

******* *********** ***** ** *** ******** operations, *** **** ** ***** ******* expand *** ******** ********, ************ ** areas ** ***** ********* *** ***** were *** ** ****, *** *** not ******* ********** ** ****** *** domestic ******** ** ******** *** **** recently:

*** *** **** ********* ** *** construction *** *********** ** ******** ******* for **** *****. ******** ******** *** continued ** **** ******** ** ****** years. ** **** ******** ** ******** our ******* ** ******* ******** ******* and ******* *** ******* ** ******** customer *******.


Manufacturing *************** ** *******

** **** ** *** ****** ** address ******** ************ *****, *** **** updates ** *** ******* *******, ***** is ******** ** ***** **** ************* in ****:

** ******** ** *** ******* *** ever-changing ************* *********, ** ***** ** ensure ******** ********** *** ******* *** company's ******* ** ****** *****, ** have ******** *** ************ ******** ** its ******** ************* ****, *** ******* factory.


****** *** ********* ******, *** ********, design, ******, *** ********** ****** ** the ***** ***** ** *** ******* factory **** *********. ** ** ******** to ** *** **** ********** **** year, *** *** ********** ******** *** meet *** ***** ** ****** *********** growth.


Supply ***** ************

******* **** ******** ****** *****, *** addressed **** ************ ********** ***** **** affect *** ****** ***** ********** *** material *********:

** ****** *****, *** ************* ******** situation *** **** *******. ***** ********* and **** **** **** ****** ********* pay **** ********* ** *** ******** and ********* ** ****** ******. ** will *** ***** ********* ** *** study *** ******** *** ******* ******** situation *** ******** ******, ****** ** manage *** ****** *****, ********** ******* inventory, *** ******* *** *******'* ******* to ****** *****. *******,if ********** ***** ***** ** *** ****** ****** *****, ** *** ***** ****** *** ******* ** *******. [Emphasis added]


** ******* **** *****, *** **** it **** ******** *** ****** ***** to ****** ****** ********** *** ***** supply ***** *************:

** ******** ** ****** *** ****** of *** ********** ****** ***** *** delivery ******, ******* *** ******* **************, optimize *** ******** ********* **********, *** achieve ****** ***** ***************, ***** ** conducive ** ****** **** ****** *********** risks *** ********* ******** ******** **********. We ********* *** *** ********** *** forecasts *** ******** ** ******** *** integrate *** ****** ***** ******* ** create ** *****, ********, *** ************* delivery ****** ***** ** *** *****-******* and *****-***** ***** *************** ** *** security ********.

公司持续深化集成供应链和交付体系改革,完善 *** 流程规范,优化关键物料库存策略,实现了供应链多元化,有利于应对供应的波动风险,提升客户交付体验。公司优化 *&** 运作与预测,针对安防行业多品种、小批量的订单特性,持续优化集成供应链流程,打造敏捷、柔性、协同的交付体系。

Risks ** ***** ******

***** *** *******'* ***** ****** ******** across *** ******* ******** ** **** and ** **** ** ~**%, *** company ********* ***** ** ***** ****** fluctuations ** *** ****** ** ******* to ******** ****** ******:

***** ** ***** ************ ** **** products *** ***** ****** *******: *** sales **** ***** *** ***** ****** margin ** *** *******'* **** ******** will ********* ** * ******* ****** due ** * ****** ** ******* such ** *** ************* *********, *** factors, ******* ** ******* **** ********** costs, ******** ************* ********, *** *** impact ** ******* ***** ** ******** in * ******** ******. *** ** changes ** ****** *** *********** ************ in *** ****** ** **** *** materials, *** *******'* ******* ****** *** gross ****** ******* **** **** *********.


Cybersecurity *****

******* *** ***** *****, *** ********* possible ************* *************** ** *** ********:

******* ******** *****: ** *** ******* of ***** *********** ** ******** ******** and *************** ******, ***** *********, *** data, **, ******** ** ******, ***., network ******** ** ************ ******. *** company ********* ** ****** ********** ** and ******** **** ******** ** ******* the ******** *********** ** ******** *** systems. *******, ** *** ******** *********** environment, ******* ******** ****** *** ***** exist *** ****** *** *******'* ******* or ********, *** ****** *** **** use ** *********.


Visual *** & *&*

*** ********* *** ** *&* ** its *&* *******, *********** *** "****** LLM *****":

***** *****-***** ****** ** ****** ******** will ** ****** **** ** ******** and ******-******* ******** ********** ** ******* solve ******* *** ******* ******** ** real-life *********.


*** ******* ******** ** *** *&* effort ** ** ** *** ****** report ** ****:

*&* *** ********** *** *** *******'* core ***************. ********** ** *&* ******** promotes *** *******'* ******** ******. *** company ******** ***** ********** ** ******* security *** ******* **********, *** *** products ****** **** *** ************ ** policies *** *********** ****** *** *****. Cloud *** ** *** ********* ********** for *** *******'* ****** ************* ***********. The ******* *** **** ***** ******* in ****** *****. ******* ** *********** technology. *********, **** **** **% ** network ******** **** *********** ********* ***** on **** ********.


***** *** *** *********** ********** ** hardware *************, **** ** *** ** AI ** ***** ********* (** **** tested ***** ****, ***** ********* ******* below *******), ** *** **** **** to ***** ** *** ******* ** this **** **** ** ******** ************ important *************.

TVT ***** ** **** ****

***'* ***** ****** ** ***** ** response ** *** ** **** ****** but ** *** **** ** ***** it ******* *** ****:

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*** *******'* ***** *** ** **% since ** **** ****** ** ****:

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