Competing Against Securitas

Published Jun 20, 2024 15:06 PM

**** ***** *********** ** ******* ********** ****, ********* ****** *** ** the ******* *********** ** *** *****, with ******** ** *******. ******* ***** into **** **********, *** ** ***** competitors **** ***** ****?

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***+ *********** ********:

*** ***** ** *** ******* ******* (or **** ***) *********?


**** ** *** *****, **** ** bad, ***** *********?

Other ******* ** ******

**** ** *** ***** ****** ** competing **** ****-***********. **** ************ ******* ***** *********** (********/*******),********* ******* **********,********* ******* ******/*** **********,********* ******* ***/****** *********, ************ ******* ******.

*** ***** ******, ********* ******* **** IS/JCI, ** ****** ****.

More ******** ********** **** ******

***** *% ** *********** **** **** regularly ******* ******* *********, *****-**** ** this ****** ** *******, ** ***, behind************* ****/***, **** ~**%.

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Negatives: **** ******* *** ******* *******

*********** ********** ********** *********' ************ *** service *******, **** ******** **** **** were **** ********* ***** ***** *** profits **** ****** ******** *****.

  • "***** ****** **** ******* ***** ******* though. **** ***** ** *** ***** aren't ******* ******** *** ** * small ****** ****** **** *** **** will **** *******. ***** ***** ***** techs *** ***** *** ****** **** while *** **** ************* ***** *** reserved *** **** ******* ********."
  • "* **** *** ***** **** ******** from ********* **** ** ***** **** Securitas. ****'** ********* **** ******* ** showing ** *** ******** ** **** the ********* ********* ** ****** *** problem *** **** *** **** ********** for."
  • "* **** **** ** ****** ********* and ******* ******** * ****** ******** than **** **** **** ********. **** clients **** * ***** **** ***** them *** *** **** ***** ****** to *** ***** ****."
  • "**** ******** ******* **** *** **** and ** *** *** ********. **** had * **** **** ******** *** their ***** *** *** **** ********* than ****."
  • "** ******** *** ****** **** ******** but *** ****** ****** ** ******* as **** ********* ** ********. **** cannot ** ****** ******* ********!"
  • "*** - *** ******* ********* *** are *** ******* ** *** ******** of ******* **** ** *******"
  • "********* ** ** ********** ** **** competed **** ****. ** *** * federal ****** *** ** ***** *** break-in. ****** ** ********, **** ****** purchasing ********."
  • "******** ***** ** ***** ******* ** their ********. ******* ******, ************, ********, staffing: *** *** ********. * ****** fathom *** **** **** ** ********."
  • "* *** **** ****** ****** ***** we ****, *** **** *** *** doing **** ******** ****** ** *** more."
  • "** **** **** *** ** *** projects **** ****. **** **** ***** they *** **** *** ************ ******* we ** ** *** ****."
  • "*** ******** **** *** ********, **** rarely ******** *** *****."
  • "**** ********** **** *** ****** ******, for ****** ************."
  • "****** ******* *** **** ***** ******** not ******* ***********"
  • "**** ****** ******* *** ***** ***** them ********* ** ** **********."
  • "******* ***** *******, ***** * **** time ** ***** * *******"
  • "**** *** *********** *** ***** ********* is ******** ** *** ****."
  • "** **** * *** ** **** from **** ** ******** ******* ** poor ** *** ****."
  • "***** ********* *** **** * ****** and *** * ******** ***** ** the *******."
  • "*** ****** **** ***********"
  • "**** ***** ********"
  • "**** ******** *************."
  • "** ** *******, **** *** *** overpriced"
  • "***** ******* ******** **** **** *** quality ** *****."
  • "****’** ** *** ** ****** ********."

**** ************ ********** *********' ***** **** guarding ** ******* ************, ******* ** other ****-***********.

  • "* ***'* **** ***** ********** ***** into *** *********** ******. **** *** a **** ***** ******** *******, *****, and ********** ********, ****** **** *** integration ***** ** **** ***** ******."
  • "* ***** ******** **** ********* ** Convergint, **** ********* **** **** ** the ****** *************. **** **** *** a *** ** ******** **** ***** here *** **** ** ** *********** trying ** **** ***** ****, ** to *****."
  • "**** ******* ***** *********** ****** ** be *** ****** ** *** ****** in *** ******** *****."
  • "****** ******* ******* *****, **** **** capable ** ** **********"
  • "******* **** ***** **** ******** ******."

*** ********** ************ ********* *********' ****** Stanley ******** ******* ***** ******** ** clients:

***** ******* ******* *** ***** ** prospects. * *** **** *** **** they ****** *** ** *** ******** was ******** ******* * *** *** who **** ** ******* *** ******** things ***** *******. ***** ******* ** his *****, ** *** ** *** configuration, *** ********** ** *** ***** he ****** ** *** ****** ** already ****** **** *********. **** * advised *** **** ** ** ****** the **** ******* ******/*********** **** ** visiting *** ***** **** *** *** same *******, ** ******** *********** ** me. * **** *** *** ******* of *** ***********. **** *** ***** 9+ ****** ***** *** *********** ** I ****** *** ********* *** *** tell **** ***** ****.

Thought ** *** ******, *** *******

*********** ******** ********* **** **** ******* of ********* ** * ****** ********/***** provider, *** ** **********.

  • "****** ** ** *** *** ***** their ******** ****** *** ******** *** pricing. **** ** ******* ****** (*** not **** ****, **** **** **** a *****)"
  • "***** *** **** ** *** *** or **** ****. **** **** **** as ******** ***** ******* **** ** New *******."
  • "**** * ***** ** **** * just ***** ** *** ******** ***** division."
  • "** *** **** **** *** **** involved **** ******* **** **** **** their *** ******** ******** *****, ***** we ***'* **** **** ** ****."
  • "**** ***’* **** **** ******** ** New ******* ** ** ***’* *** them **** ***** *** ** ***’* compete ******* ****. ****’** ********* ***** service."
  • "******* ** ******, **** ***** ****** an ******* ******* **** *** ********* work **** ***** ******."
  • "******* ***** ******* **** *** *** writing ** *** **** *** ****** into *** ******. **** ** ***, we ***** **** ****** ****."
  • "** *** **** ** ***** ******** bid, *** ****** **** **** ** the ***** ************ ****** ********."
  • "**** ** ******* **** ** *** market, * *****'* ****** *********** ***** work ***** **** ****** ********."
  • "**** ** ** *** **** ****, they *** ******* ***** *** ****** security (******)."
  • "** **** *** ********* ** *** area *** ******** ******, ***** ** an **********."
  • "****** ***, * ***** ** * guard ******* *** **** *********."
  • "**** ***** *******. ********** ********* **** some ****."
  • "***** ***** ** **** ** * guard *******"
  • "*****, ***** ** ****** ******."
  • "**** *** **** *** **** ****** in ** ******." [*********]

Poor ** **** ***

******* *********** ********* ****** ******* *** Securitas ** * *************, **** ******** getting **** *** *** *****.

  • "********* ****** ** **** * ******** negative ********** ** *** ****. *** that **** **** ****** ******* **********, we **** **** **** ************."
  • "** *** **** *** ********* ********* they *** ***** ** ****** ** subs"
  • "** *** * *** *** ********* for ********* ** *** **** *** they **** **** **** ** *** paid *** ** ** ** ***** the ************."
  • "****** **** ********* *** * ***** time ***** **** **** **** *******. Problems ******* **** *** *** ** to *** **** **** **** *******."
  • "**** ****** *** *** **** ** their ****, *** *** *** ******. Corners *** *** ** * ******, and *** ***** ********** *******."
  • "* ****** ** **** *** *** work *** ****. ** **** **** constrained *** ** ***** ***** *********. He **** ** ******’* ** ***** quality **** ******* ********* **** ******"

Positives: **** ******, **** ****

***** **** * ******** ******* ** Securitas **** ******** ***** ***** ***** and *************** ** ***** ******* *********.

  • "**** *** * ****** ********** ** ours. **** **** * ***** ******* management ***** *** ******** **** ** be ********* **** ***** *******."
  • "**** ** **** ****. * **** seen **** ** *** ******** *** I ***'* **** ****** **** *** way **** **** ********** *** *********."
  • "**** **** * **** ******** *********** highly ******* *** ** ******. **, we ** *** **** ********* ******* them..."
  • "**** **** ** **** * **** balance ** ***** ******** **. ******** equipment *********. **** ********* ** *** have ****."
  • "********* *** * ***** ****** & we ** **** ****** **** **** time ** ****. **** ** ** a ************ ****** *** *** ***** competition **** ******* ** *****"
  • "**** **** ** ***** *** *** seen ***** ****, *** ***"
  • "* **** **** *** * **** company ** **** ***"
  • "*** *** ***** ** ********, **** played ******"
  • "***** ** *** ****** ************."
  • "**** ****** *** *********"

No *******/** *** ******* ****

*******, **** **** **** *** *** competed **** ********* ****** ** ****** not ****** ** **** ** *******.

  • "* ***** *** *'** **** ******** against ********* **** ** *** **** 5 ** ** *****. * ** not **** ** ******* ** ****."
  • "** ***'* *** **** ** ****. Still * *** ****** ******* ******** around, *** ***** ******** ** ** market ** ****."
  • "** ********* *** ****** ***** **********. Securitas ****** ****** **** * ****** with *** *********. **** *** *** big."
  • "**** ***'* **** * ****** ******** in *** **** ** ** **** almost ******* ***** ****."
  • "** *******. ** ********* ********* *** use ***** ******** *********."
  • "* **** **** ** *** ****** that **** ** ********* *** ***** than **** ***'* **** **** ***** them *******."
  • "* ****’* ******* **** **** *** subcontracted *** **** ** * *** projects ****** **** **** **** ******* and *** **** **** *******. * can’t ******* **** ** ***."
  • "* ***'* **** ** ******* ** this ** * **** *** *** into **** ** * *** ******."
  • "** ** *** **** **** ** compete **** **** ** ***'* ****** have ** *******"
  • "*****'* **** ** ***** ******** ******* them ** *** **** * *****."
  • "** *** ****** ******* ******* **** probably ******* ** **** * ********* brand ** ********."
  • "** **** ***** *** ******* **** that * ** ***** **."
  • "* ** *** **** **** ***** Securitas; ** *** **** ******."
  • "* **** ** ******* ** ****, as ** **** ***** ******* *****."
  • "*'** ***** *** **** *** ***** had ** ******* *******."
  • "** **** *** **** * *** of ********* ****** ** *** ****."
  • "** ***'* **** *** ******** **** them."
  • "** *******. *** * ****** ** our ******."
  • "***** *** *** ****** ** **** across ****"
  • "***** *** **** ** ***** ****"
  • "** *** **** ** ******* ** them."
  • "***** ******** ******* ****."
  • "***** ****** **** ****"
  • "***'* **** ******** ***** ****."
  • "* ***'* **** **** ****."
  • "***'* **** ***** ****"
  • "**** *** ***** ** ****"
  • "** **********"
  • "** *******"
  • "***********"
  • "*** ****."
  • "*/*" [**]