HID's Mercury Anti-Competitive Partner Terms

Published Jun 17, 2024 14:01 PM

While Mercury's marketing centers around being "open," not only does it restrict who can re-sell its products, but many partners tell IPVM the terms are anti-competitive and out of line with industry norms.

IPVM Image

In this report, based on feedback from current and former Mercury Security partners, we examine these terms, partner responses, and the risks involved.

******* ********* *** "******* ** ******," ***/******* ******** ******** ****** ***** / **** ** ******* its *********** *** **** ******* ********. ** partners ******** **** *** *******'* *****, they *** ****** ******* *** ** risk ***** **********. ***** *** ******** include:

  • ********* ******** ******** **** ** ***** access ********** ********** ** ******* ***********, restricting *** **** **** *** *** from ***********.
  • ***/******* ** ******** / ********** ****** "takeovers," *********** "******* ** ******," ******* its ****** *********.
  • ********* *** ********* ********' ***** ******* (including ******** ** ***-*** /******* *********** products).
  • ************ ********** / ********* ***** ********. Unlike *** ***** ***** ****** *****, this *** ** **** ****** **** competitors *** ******** **** *** ***** three *** *** **** ** ******* to ******** ******* ******** *** ******** from ****, ***** **** ******** ******* restrict ********.

***** ***** ******** ***** *******, ******* of *** ******** *** *** *******-**** partners (******* *** *******) *** *********** negotiate ** ****** *** ***** / aspects *** **** ********* ** ****, albeit **** **** **** *** ******* sales ************ *** ***** ** *** most ******** *** *******.

************, ******* ******** ****** ******** **** these ******** ** *** / ******* has ***** ******* ********* ** *** last ******* ***** *** ** ********* with ***** ********* ** *** ******** manufacturer ** ******* ***** **********. ** such, ******* **** ** **** *** seeking ** *** ********** ******** / alternatives *** ***** *** *********, *** some *** ********* ** **** *** requirements ** *** ******** / ********* about ***** **.

** ******* / *** **** ***** "open," **** ***** *** ******** ****** to **** *** ~**+ ******** *** allow ***** ******** ** **** *** support ***** ********* (******* ************). ** is ********** *** ******* / *** to ******** ***** ******* *** ******** / *********** ** **** *** ****** those *** ** **, *** ********* such ************ ** ****-***********. *******, *** Mercury, **** ***** ** ******** *** overall ******.

Managing / ********** "*********"

**** *******'* ****** ******** ***** *** reporting *+ ******* ****** ********, ****** companies **** **** ** ** "*********" or **** **** *** ******** ****** deployed (****** ****** ** *** *** replace ******* *****, ***), ******* **** Mercury ** ******** ** ** **.

**** ** *** ******** ********* **** as * *** ******* ** ***** a ******* *** ***** **** ** expand ***** *** ********, ** *********** removes / ***** ********* **** ***** Mercury ******** (***** ** *** ***********).

*** *******, *** ******* ********** ********* as * *** *********** / *******:

** ** ** *********** *** ** to ** * *** ** *********, [from ***** ********] **** *** *****'* and ******** ****** *** ***** ******** legacy ******** *** *****. ** ***** the ***** *** ***** ** **** our ********.

***** **** ****, ** **** *** heard (** **** *** *** ****** with *** ****** ** *** *** testing) ******** **** ****** ** ****** (within *** ********). ******* ******** **** us *** / ******* ** ******** / ********** ********' *** ***** *** go-to-market / *** **** ****** "*********" they *** ***** ******** ** ********** new ********. **** ******:

**** ******* * **** ******** ** to ****** *******, *** **** ***** tabs ** ******* **** *** ******* panels ** ********* ****** **** ******* and **** **** **** *** **** from ********* **** **** ** ** within ***** *********.

***'* *** ******** ** ** ********** new ********, **** **** ****** ** takeovers *** *****.

"Clamping ****" ** ******* ********

*** ******* **** **** *** *** "clamping ****" ** *** ******* **** to "**** *** ****** **** **** they ****":

******* *** ****** **** *** **** few ***** *** *** ** **** the ****** ***'* **** **** **** and *****[**] ******** **** ** *** more ******** *** ******** ******* ******* OEMs.

*** *******, *** ******* *** ********, e.g., (******* / *****) **** ** bring ** ************* **** ****** / sales **** *** ***** ******* *** partners, *.*., (******* ** ******, ***.) and **** ** *** ******* **** may ** ******* ** **** ***** profits (*************) ** ****** / ******** a ****** **** * ***** *******.

****, ********* *** *** *** ******** know *** *** ***** / ******* to **** **** *** ** *** other *******'* *******, ** ** *** common *** ********* ** *****. *******, as *** ******** **** ***** ******** indicate, *** / ******* ** ******** the ****** ********* ****** **** **** previously ****.

Concerns **** ******** ** ****** ***** ***** / ***** ******

*** ******* ********* *** ******** ** Mercury / *** ********* *** ******** of ***** ****** ******* ***** ******* them, ** **** **** ******** ****** the ******** ****** ***** / ******* shortage ******. **** ******:

**** ****** ** ** ** [********] of ** ***** **** ******* *** [minority] **** *** ***** ****. ***** is **** ***** ****** *** **** is *** **** *** *********** [**]. I ** *** **** **** ******* what ** ***** ** ******* ****** chain *****, *** ** ******** ** 100% ********* ** *** **** *****?

**** *** ******** ******* ** ***"*****" ****** (*** ******), *** / ******* *** *** redesigned ****, ********* ******* ********* **********, in ******** ** ***** ******** ****** chain *********. *******, ******** ******* ** expand ******** **** ****** / ************ are ******* ***** ******** ******** ** risk ** ****** ****** ** ******* hardware ******** *** *** **** **********, sued, ***.

****, ******* ******** **** **** **** at "*** ********" ** **** *** not ***** ******** **** ****:

**** **** [********] ** *** ******** orders ******* **** ** **** **** look ** *** ******** **.

Increasing / ******* ***** ********

************, ******* ******** **** ** **** HID / ******* ************ ********* ***** sales ****** ************ *** ***** ******** this ****. **** ******:

**** [*** / *******] **** ************ [significantly *********] *** ********. **** *** that ***** ***** **** ***** *** supply ******* *** *** *****.

* ***'* ***** ****, *** * won't ****** ** *** [**] ** sales. * *** **** **** **** I *** ******* ** ****** ** [X] *** ****.

** ***** (*** **** *****) ****** to, **** *** ********* ***** ******* availability / ********* *** *** ********* to ****** ***** ******* ************ ***** expectations.

HID / ******* "*****" ** ******** **** *********** ********

****, ******* ******* ***** ** **** "get *****" ** ******** *** ******* others ********:

**** ****** **** ****** **** ** open ********. ** ** * **** old **** ****. ** ** **** allowed ** ***** ** ********. **** force *** ******** ** ** ****** and **** *** ***** ** **** are ******* ***** ********.

Should ** "**** ** * **** ***********"

****, ******* ****** ** ****** ******* both "*****," *** **** *** ***, in ******** ** *** ********* *** required *******:

** *** *** ** *** ***, it ** ***** ******* *******. **** can ****** ******** *** ******** **. In *** **********, ******* ******** ** partner ******** ****** *** ** ********* to * ***** *** **** ** a **** ***********. **** **** ***** each ***** **** *** *** ********* a ******* ** ********* **** ******** both ***** *** *** **** *** way.

"This ** *** **** **** **** *** **** *****"

******* ******* **** **** **** ***** brand ** ** *** ****** ** the *********, *** **** ** *** they **** **** *** "**** *****" in ******** ** **** *** ****** increases *** *** ******* *** *** majority ** ***** ******** **** ****** control:

** ** ******* *** **** *** HID / ******* ****, **** ****** see ********** ** * ****** ***** and **** ** ** ********** ** such. **** **** ** **** **** partners *** ********** ***** ********** *** what **** ***** ** *** ******.

**** **** ****** **** ****** ** push ***** ***** ** ** *** center ** *** *********; ** ** not ********* **** ***** **** **********; this ** *** **** **** **** for **** *****.

HID / ******* ********* *** ********** *******

****, ******* ******** *** ****** *** / ******* ** / **** ******* several ******* ** ****** **** *** the **** ******* / ****** *** not *******, ** ******** ** ******* minimums, ******* ************, ***. **** ******:

**** ******* *** ******** ******, [*****] volume, *** **** ** *** ********, and *** ********* ** *** ********.

***** ** ** *** ******** ** "monitor" *******, **** ******** **** ***** issues **** ** ********** ******* ***** requirements, ********* ******** ** ***** *** majority ** ***** ******* **** ****, etc., **** ****** ********.

Partners "**********, ******* ******," ******* *** ************

******* ******* *******, ****** **** **** talked ** "* ***" ** ***** partners *** **** *** "**********" ** "running ******" ******* *** ************:

**** ** ******* * *** ** partners **********, *** **** *** ******* scared. * **** ****** ** * lot ** ****. **** ****** **** are ** ***********, * *** ******** them *******. **** *** ******* ** alternatives.

*** ******* ******** *********** ** ***********:

*** ** *** **** ** ** think *** * **** ******* ******** and **** *** **** **** "****."[******* Partnership] *** *** ******** ** ** this *****, *** ** *** ******, we *** **** ** ** ****, and **** * ********* ********.

******* **** **** *** ******* ** migrate ** ******* ******** "******":

*** **, ** ** **** ** an ***** **** ** ***** ** for **** ** *** **** ****** incumbents ******* ** *** ******* ** migrate ** *** ********* ******. ** are ******* ** **** **** ***********. If ******** ** ** ** **** an *********** *** **.

***** ******* ******** **** **** ** response ** *** ******* *********, ******** "black" ******, *** *** ************ *** / ******* *** ****** ** *** partners.

HID / ******* ******** ** *******

***** ** ********* ***** ****** ***** before **********, *** / ******* ******** to *******.

Comments (12)
John Honovich
Jun 17, 2024

***** ********* **** ******** *** *********** operating * ******; *********** **** "**** platform" *** ****** **********, ******** ******, limit ******, *** ****** ***********.

**********, ******* **** **** **** **************** that ** *** ********** ** *** entity.

Undisclosed Integrator #1
Jun 17, 2024

**** **** ********...****** **** ****** ************ out *****.

*** ** **** ********...******** ******* *** antiquated ********.

******** ***** ******* ****: ***** ***** tech *** *** ******** ** ** retire.

**** ****** ***** **, *** ******* gen ** ****** **, *** ***'* play ***** *****.

John Honovich
Jun 17, 2024

*** ** ****** ******* ***** ** new ******** *** "**** ***** *****"? There's ** **** ******* ******** *** there, *** ***/******* ******** *** *** take ** ****.

* ** ***** ********* *** ***** it, *** *** ***** ** ** so *** ***** ******, ***** * imagine ***'* ***** ******** ****** **********.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Jun 18, 2024

****'* **** ** *** **** "******** talk", ** **** *** ***** ** only *** **** ** * **** system. *** **** ***** ** * takeover ***FAR ****** than that:

***** ** *** *** **** ** convert *** ********, *** **** * plan *** ** ******** ******* ******. Secondly, *** **** ** ******* ********** else **** *** ***** ****** **** talked **.... *** **** *******.

******, *** **** ** ******* *** the **** ******* ******** **** *** original ******* *********. ****** **** **** of *** ******* ** * ******* panel *** ****** **** ***** *% of ********* ***... ******... *-*** ****...***.

*'* **** ******** **** ******* *********, some ********* ******* ******. ** **** like ****: *** ******* ****** **** the *** **** "***, ** ****** we ******* *******!" **** **** *** halfway ******* *** ******* ****** *** customer ********* * ****** ******* ******* was *** ***********... "**** ** *** mean *** ***'* ******* ********* **** and *****-********* ********* **** ***** ****** feedback? **** *** *** ****** ** have ******* ** *** ***** *****!"

********* *** ***** *** ********* *******, but ****** ********** *** **** ******.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Jun 17, 2024

**** ***** ** *** ******** *** dumbest **** ** ****.

Undisclosed Integrator #2
Jun 17, 2024

* ***** **** ******* *** ******** Mercury ********* ** ****-**** ***** **** forced ****** ** ***** ******* ** other *************. *** **** ** *************** was ** ***** ****** *** ** was*** ******* *** ***** *** *** ******** integrators/installers. *****************.

Undisclosed Integrator #3
Jun 17, 2024

*** * ************ **** ******** *****. They **** **** **** ** ******* Mecury ******** *** * *** **** Mecury **** *** *** ****. **** makes ***** ***** ** *** **** in **** ****.

John Honovich
Jun 17, 2024

** *********** *****. ***** * ***'* know *** ****** ** ************* ******* HID/Mercury *** ***/***, ***** ****** *** things **** *********** ***** ************* ***'* want ** ** **** ***, ** these ****** ******* ********* ****, ** can **** ** ******* ***/******* ********* who *** ******** ** ******* ********, even ** ***** ***** ********* ***** be **** ** **-******* *******.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #4
Jun 17, 2024

** ***'* **** *************, ***** *********** companies **** ***** ** ****** ******* partners *** *******'* ******* *** **** those ********* **** ** ******* ** phase *** ***** *** ******** ********* they ***'* ** ******** **** *** Mercury ****

John Honovich
Jun 18, 2024

** ****'* ****, *****'* ***** *** irony ** ***/*******'* ******* *****...

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Jun 18, 2024

***** **'* ******** **** ******* ** demand **** ** * ******* ************... I **** **** ***** **** ***** require **** ** ******** *****. ******** House's ********** ******* ***** ***** ***** dwarf *** ***** ** *** *** (non-Platinum) ***** ******* ********** ***** *** ****.

Undisclosed Manufacturer #5
Jun 18, 2024

**... * ****** ** ********** *** persuasion ****** ***** *********** ****🤷‍♂️:

******* *****, *** ****** *****. ******* off * ******* **** ** ******** selling ****** ****** ** ******* *******'* support ******* *** **** *******, **************** ****. ** *** **** ** *****, I *** **** **** *****, *****, and ****** ** ******** **** **** kicked *** ** *** **** *** were *** ******* ***** *** ** business ******.

***** ********* ***** ******** ** *********** and *********, ********* **** *********** ****** * ******** ***** ** Mercury, ** ************* ** **'* * textbook ********* ** *** ******* ********* Act. *** ****** ***** ********** ********* must **** ****. **** *** *** this **...*********...**** *****, *** **** ***'* ******* enforce **** ** **** ** ***** minimums *** ***** ***.

****, **'* * *********** *********** ******: Most ****** ****** *** **-***** ********** of ** ***-**-*** **** ********... ***** Software ***** ***** ******, ** **** Symmetry. **** *** **** *** ***** companies ***** (*******, ****...), ** **** a **** ******** ***************** *****, **'* ****** ****** ***** own **-***** *****.

****, *********, ****, **, *** ***** all **** ***** *** ******....***** **** will ********* *** ** *** ********** *******. **** **** **** ***** own ******, *** **** ******* **** they**** **. **** ***** **** * *** of ******* *** ***** ******* *** grumble ***** **, ** *** *** of *** *** **** *** ***** to **** *** *****.
