Disney World Evolv Screening Performance Analyzed

Published May 21, 2024 11:56 AM

***** ********** *** *** ** **** Disney ***** ** ***** ******* *** NYC,** ***** ****************. *** *** **** **** ***** perform ** ****** *****?

IPVM Image

**** **** ** ****** ***** *** observed ***** ******* ****** ******** *********. In **** ******, ** ******* *** performance *** *** ** ******** ** other ***** **-**** *********** **** **** did:

****: **** *** *** **** **** Walt ****** *****'* ********* ** *************. IPVM ********* * ****** ******** ****** and ******** *****.

***** ** * **-****** **** ** heavy **** ******* ** *** ** the *********:

Executive *******

*****'* ***** ***** **** ** ****** World *** *** ** *** ****** IPVM *** ****.

***** ****** *** * ******** ****** false ***** **** **** **** ******* (9% **. *%), ***** ********** ** **** ****, **** ****** *** *********, ***** bottles, *** ******** *****, ***** **** Disney * ******* *********** *** *****.

** ******* **** ***** ****** *** observations, ***** ** ** **** **** Evolv's ******* **********, ** ********** ********** *** ********* **** ~* **** in **,*** *****. ****, *******, **** our ****** ** ****** ** ***** of *****, ** ******* **** *** Walt ****** ***** ***** *** **** weapons **** ****** (****** **** **** found ***** **** ***, ***** ** possible *** ************* ********).

*****'* ** ** ****** ***** *** sensitivity *******, *** ***** ** *****'* performance **** ****** *******, ** ******* Disney **** ******** * ** * (the ***** *** ****** **** ********* settings, ************), ******* **** **** ****** and ********** **** ***** ** **********.

********** *** *****, **** ******** **** a ******* ********** ** ***** ******* did *** ***** ***** (****** ** do *** **** ** **** ** because ** ********* ************ ** **** lower *********** ***** **** ** *** parks).

*******, *** ********* (** *** ****** that ****** ***) *** ********, ** almost *** ****** **** ******** ** the ********* ********* **** *** ****** and ****-**** ***** ******** ***** (***** often **** **** **** ** ******* per ******).

Disney ***** **. ******** **. *******

*****'* *********** ****** ******* ********* ** the *********** *** *** ****** ** larger ******** ******* **** **** ******* the ******. ***** ** *** ************, Disney ***** ***** ******* ******* (** environment **** **** ******** ****** *************) and ******** (*** ******** ****** *************) regarding ******** ******* ******* ******* *** system.

***** **** ****** ******* *********, ***** bottles, ******** *****, *********, *** ***** larger ******** *******, **** *** *** see ******* *** ******* (***** ****** difficulties *** ***** ** *******).

** *** ***** ****, **** ******** came **** *********, *** ***** **** dozens ** ****** ** ******** ******* that ****** ** ** ******** **********. IPVM ******** **** ***** *** ************* fewer *********/******** ******* ** ******* *** at ********.

9% ***** ***** ****

**** ******** *,***+ ****** ***** ******* Evolv, *** *** ******* ***** ***** rate *** ~*.**% ****** **** *********, with ********** ******** ***** ***** ***** ranging **** *% ** **%.

*** **********, ***** *** * *% average ***** ***** **** (********** ***** ranging **** *% ** **%) ** SoFi ******* (**) *** * **% false ***** **** ** ******* ****** (NY).

*** **** ******* ** ***** *******, see**** ******* ***** ********* ****************** ****** ******* ********* ********.

*********** * **** ********* *********** **** SoFi *** ******* ******, **** ** one ** *** **** *****'* ************ on ********* ***** **** **** *** seen ** ****.

Sensitivity *******

*** ******* ******* ** ***** ***** UI **** *** **** *** *********** setting **** (**** **** ******** **** ******* ******** **), *******, based ** *****'* ***********, ** ******* that ****** **** ******* * ** D, ***** *** ****** **** ********* settings, ************.

***** ****** **** *** ******** **** about *** ******** *** ***** ****** comments ** ******** ******** **** *** customers ***, ** ******** ****,* *** ***** ***** *********** **** ****** **** *** *** the ****-**** ********* ******* *:

****,Six ***** is unique. I'll tell you why, they run ** ** *** **** ********* ******* [****-**** ********* ******* ** *]. They're looking for anything. And they just want the real reason to search a bag sometimes. But they also find a lot of stuff. They're very unique, a unique customer. The ****** ****** ** *** ***** ***'* *** ** ** *********** **** *** ***** ****. But everyone's different. [emphasis added]

No ****** ******* ****** **** *******

****** *** ***********, ***** *** *** detect *** *******. *******, ** ******, in ****, **** ******** * ** E, **** ****** *** ******* ******** may ** **********. **** **** *** have **** ** *** ****** ** missed *******, *** ******* **** ****** if **** **** ****** ** ***** for **** ****.

******** ******** ******* **** ** ****** False ************ *** **** ******* ** **** weapons *** ** ****** ** ******** E *** *, ********* ** *****'* top ***** *******.

Secondary *********

*******, **** ****** **** **** ** the ********* *********, ***** ******** ********* conducted *** ******** *** **** ***** with ****-**** ***** *********.

*** ****** ** *** ********* ********* depended ** *** ****** ** ******** items ******** ***, *** **** ********* searches **** **** **** ** ******* (the ******* **** **** ***** *** ~2.5 *******). ***** *** ******* *******, at ********* **** ***** **** *******, there ***** *** * **** *** the ********* *********. **** ****, *******, did *** ****** *** **** ** the ********.

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*** ********* ****** ** ********* ********* and *** ******* ****** ** ***** patrons ** *** ***** ********* ** the ********* ****, ***** ********* *** not ** ********* *********.

Strollers/Mobility ******* ******** **********

** ***** ********* ***** ****** ** strollers *** ******** *******, ****** *** forced ** **** **** **********, * limitation ** *** ********* ***** ********* slowed *** **** **** *******, ***** the ***** ****** ** ********* (***** were **** ****** ** ******** *******, but ************* ***** **** *********).

** ********, **** ***** **** **** or ****** **** ***** ** ******** the ******** ** ******** ****** *** walk ******* ***** (******* ** **** than **** *****) ***** ******** ******** it. *** ***** ***** ***** *** stroller *********:

*********, *** * ******** ******:

****** ********* *** ******* **** ***** direct **** ** ********* *** ****** with ******** ******* ** *** **** of ***** *******, ***** **** ***** dismount ****:

IPVM Image

Staffing ******

** ********** ****** ************* **** ******** to ********, *** ******** *** ***** system *** **** *********. *** *******, the ******** ******* ***** **** ***** got **** *** **** *** **** three *********, *** ***** **** ********* with **** *** ********* *** ********* with **+ *********.

Extending ******** ***** **** **** *** ****

* ********** (******** * *****) ********** of ******* ******** ***** ***********/******** *****/********* away **** *** **** ** ***** up *** ********* ********* *******:

** ********, **** **** **** ****** (out ** ~*** **** ******* ********** the ***) **** **** ** ****** the ********* ********* ***** **** *********. In ***** *********, ****** *** ** eyeglass **** *** ********* ******** (*** backpacks).

**** ** *** ****, **** ****** extended ***** *****, ***** **** ** alarms, ******* **** ***** ** *** unnecessary. ** ****** **** **** ** secondary *********, **** ******** **** ******* to ***** **** ****-**** ***** ********* regardless.

**** **** ******* ****** ***** ***** advise ***** ******* ***** ** **** a *** (************ *** ****** *********, not ***** ********* ** *******). *** example, *** *****:

Comments (6)
Undisclosed Integrator #1
May 21, 2024

**** **** *** *** ** *******, I **** ** ***** ** ********* at ******, *** **** ****** * pocket ***** * ****** * *** in ** ******.

Undisclosed #2
May 21, 2024

**** **** ** **** ** ******, the ***** ****** ******* ******* ** a ***** ****** ***** ******* ** the ****** ** * **-****-***.

Michael Miller
May 21, 2024

****: **** *** *** **** **** Walt ****** *****'* ********* ** *************. IPVM ********* * ****** ******** ****** and ******** *****.

***** **** *** *** ******* ***** next ** **** ** *** ******** guards *** ***** *******. *** *** guards *** **** *** **** *****? Since *** ****'* *** *** ********** I ** ********* *** ****** *** you ** ****.

Nikita Ermolaev
May 21, 2024
IPVMU Certified

**, *** ****** *** *** *** me **** * *** ***** ** stop **.

Michael Miller
May 21, 2024

**** ** ****** *****. *** ********* cased *** ******** ********* ******* *** the ******** **** *** ******* ***** it.

Undisclosed #3
May 21, 2024

* **** ** ***** ****** ***** in ***** ** **** **** *** we **** ******* ***** **** *** since ** *** ** ****, *** secondary ********* **** * **** ****. One ** *** ***** **** ***** not ****** *** **** *** ******** and **** *** ** ** ** which * ******* *** ***** ***** even ****** * *** ******* **** the *******. ***** ******** **** *****'* weaknesses, * **** ***** ** *******-********** comments ***** ****** ********** *****, ***** bottles, *** ****** *****, ***** *** guards ****** *********** ***** ******* ******* our ********** ********.
