CheckVideo Overview

Published Mar 31, 2009 00:00 AM
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Manufacturer Description: “The first intelligent video verification product that seamlessly integrates with central alarm station software.”

How the Product is Different:While there are a large number of video analytic offerings, almost none are integrated into central station software or deployed in a low cost appliance designed for connecting to existing analog cameras. OzVision provides remote video verification but not intelligent video analytics. Cernium's CheckVideo [link no longer available] is already integrated with Bold's Central Station

Software and can be deployed as a small appliance on-site.

What is the Value of the Product: Video analytics alerts require someone to assess the alert, determine it's validity and dispatch responders as necessary. This is very difficult to do if the alert is simply sent to a manager's phone or PDA. By integrating with a central station, dedicated trained operators can quickly respond to alerts. This can also help overcome the issue with false alerts debilitating video analytics.

Who Can Use the Product: CheckVideo can only be used with Central Station Software that is integrated with Cernium's appliance. Today, publicly announced, this is only Bold.

[UPDATE 2012: See our detailed review of Cernium's stategy shift and CheckVideo expansion.]