Axis Discontinuing Entry Manager

Published Mar 22, 2023 12:31 PM

Axis has been in the access control market for nearly a decade and is now making a series of fundamental changes to its access offering.

IPVM Image

We have already covered Axis new low-cost A12 access door controllers and Axis / Genetec new access partnership. Now, Axis is discontinuing its Entry Manager software.

In this report, based on answers from Axis, IPVM examines the following:

  • Why Axis is shifting Access Management Strategy
  • End of support dates
  • Impact of Discontinuing Entry Manager
  • Camera Station Secure Entry Alternative & Prices
  • Other Embedded Access Systems
  • Outlook for Axis and competitive positioning

Executive *******

**** **** *********** *** **** ******** and *** *****-*****, ***** ***** ** March **, ****, *** ******* ** with ******* *** ******-***** *** ***-**** licensed****** ******* "****** *****"*** *** ******** *** ***** ***********.

****** *** ************ ***** ********** ***** ***** **** **** **** Entry ******* *** ******** ** *** free, ******** (**********) *** ***** ****** that ********* **** ***** ***********.

*******, ** **** *** **********, *** market ******* *** *********** * ********** for * ******* ****** ********* ****** with ***** *** ***** ******* *******, even ***** ********* ********** ******* *** licenses.

Axis ********* ** ****

** * ********* ** ****, **** said:

*** **** ***** ******* **** ********** will ** ************ *** *** *************** date ** ***** **, ****.

**** **** ******** ** **** ******** and *** ******* *** * ***** after *** *************** ****. *** *** customer *** ******* **** **** ***** Network **** ********** **** **** ***** Manager, ** **** * *** ******* on *** ** ****** ********, ****** refer ** ********.

Unified ****** & ***** ****** *******

****' ****** ******* *********** ***** ******* ****** ******* ********** into ******** *.** *** *****, ****** 'Secure *****.'

****** '***** *******,' '****** *****' ******** Camera ******* ***** ********** **** **** access ******* ********** ****** *** *********, so **** ********** *******, ****** ********, schedules, *** ******* **** ******* ****** Axis' ***:

IPVM Image

Minor ***** ******* ******* ***** **** ******

*** ****** ** ***** ******* **** clearly ****** *** ** *** ****** the ******** *** **** ********* ** changed ***** ***** ********.

IPVM Image

*** ******** ******** ******** ** *** A1001 ******** *** ** ***** *********** (not **** **** **** *******), ** 'live ****' ******, ** *******, ** external ****** ************ **** ******, *********, or *********, *** ******* *********.

*** ***** **** *** **** **** below *********** ** * ******* **** at *** ** ** ****:


****** **** ** ******* ************* ******** for ****** *****. ** ******** *********** ****:

************* ******** *** *** *********** ** AXIS ***** ******* **** *********** *** available. ****** **** *** ********** *** *******.

*******, *** *** (***-*****) ***** *** A1610 ***********, ********* '****** *****' ****** controllers ** *** **** ** ********* 'Core ********' *** **** *******. * ~$459 **** ***** ****** ** ********** as * '****' **** ****** **** a ***-**** ******* **** ** $**. Axis ****** '****' ******** ** ** devices *** ******, *** ******** ******* can ** ****** *** * ******* of *** *****.

** ********* **** ***/** *********** ************* are ******* *** ***.

No '***** *******' ** *****

**** ********* *** *** ** ***** Manager ** ************* *** ***** ****** embedding ** **** ***** ** ****** it ** ******** ** ****** ******* Secure *****:

**** ***** ** ***** ********* ** Camera ******* ****** *****, ***** ** specifically ******** *** ***** ** ******-***** needs, ****** *** ***** ********* ** Axis ***** ******* *** ****. ****, we **** ** **** ** ***** Axis ***** ******* ** ***** *** will ***** ** ********* ****** ******* Secure ***** ********.

Tech ******* ***** ****

**** ********* **** ******* *** **** A1001s *** ***** ******* ******** ***** remain ********* *** *** *****:

**** **** ******** ** ******* ***** hardware, *** *******, *** **** ********, including **** ***** ******* *** *** years ***** *** *************** ****.

Camera ******* ****** ********

* ****** ** ******** ** *** Camera ******* ****** *****, ***** ***** Manager **/*** ********.

****** ******* *** * **** ****** and ****-**-****** ******* *****, *** ****** one *******, **** ** ***** **** to **** *** *** ****** *****.

**** ********* **** ******* ****** ***** offers **** ************* *** ******** ** to *** *****, ** ********** ****** is ******:

**** ***** ******* ** ******** *** small/basic ****** ******* ****** ****, ******* 10 ***** ************. **** ****** ******* Secure ***** ** * **** ********, unified ***** ************ *** ****** ******* system **** ***** ****** ***********, **** a ****** ** ********.

Similar *****-***** *******

******** ****** ********** ******* **** ***** Manager *** *** *******, *** ***** are ******* ********* ** *** ******. Others *******:

** ***** ** ***** *** *************, all *** ****** ** *** ***** scale, ***** ***** ****** **** ** small ******* ** *****, *** ******** integrations *** ********* ******* ******** ** larger, ******-*****, ***-******** *******.

Outlook *** *********** ***********

** *** **** ******, *** ****** has ****** * ******* ******* ** the *********** (** "***********") ** ***** surveillance *** ****** *******. ** **** end, ******* **** ***** ******* ** not ***.

********, **** ****** *** ****** * greater ******** ** ******* *** *** end-to-end *********, *.*. ** ******** *********** ******** "*** ******** ** ******* Them ***"). **** **** ****** **** ****' ambition.

Comments (5)
Shannon Davis
Mar 22, 2023
IPVMU Certified

* ****'* * *** *** ** the ***** *** ** *** *** wiring *** **** *** ** *** great *** ***** * ** * door ************. *** **** ** ********* not ********* * ****** ** ************ keeps ******* *******. **** ** ***********.

*** **** *** ********* ******* **** Honeywell, ***** *** *** *** **** but ***** ********** ** ******** ** best.

Randal Youngberg
Mar 23, 2023
Intellectric Technologies

* *****, ** ** *** ** lose * *********** ********. ** ********, I ***** *** ********** ****** ******, colour ***** *** ***! ** *** a ***** *** ** ***** *** basics ** *** ***********.

Ken Larson
Mar 27, 2023
Z9 Security

* ******* ******** *** ******** *** been ************. ** *** ** *** VertX ***********, ***** **** ********** **** discontinued.

Brian Rhodes
Mar 27, 2023
IPVMU Certified

******. *'** *** ********/******** ** ******* this *** ******. (**** *** *** saying ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** EOL'd *** ****.)

Brian Rhodes
Mar 27, 2023
IPVMU Certified

******** *********:

*** ******** *** ******** ****** ********** has *** **** ********* *** ******** since ***. **, ****. ******** ********* now ********** *** *******-************* ***** ********* *** *******.

****** *** ******* **** ***, *'** edited **** ******.
