IPVM's Reports

IPVM's independent reporting is divided into 3 categories: (1) Public, (2) Info+: news, profiles, tutorials, etc. and (3) Research: tests, shootouts, competitive and financial analysis.

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Displaying reports 6,276 - 6,300 of 9,626 in total

Camera Edge Storage / Recording Tutorial 2015

~70% of IP cameras allow storing video onboard, at the 'edge', typically through the use of SD cards. The big question is whether and when it...

By John Honovich - about 9 years ago | 16 Comments Info plus reports label

IPVM Camera Tools Training Video Released

In this video below, you will learn: How to select the right resolution and angles for your cameras.  How to demonstrate to customers why this...

By John Honovich - over 9 years ago | 6 Comments Info plus reports label

PennyAlerts is Pretty Interesting

We have criticized Intransa / Viakoo pretty harshly. And they deserved it. Quietly going out of business, dropping all warranties, the Intransa...

By John Honovich - over 9 years ago | 10 Comments Info plus reports label

China and Taiwan Manufacturer Financials 2015

China is the #1 threat to video surveillance providers around the world but how well are Chinese and Taiwan surveillance manufacturers actually...

By John Honovich - over 9 years ago | 26 Comments Info plus reports label

ASIS CEO Michael Stack Exits

Amid declining exhibitor attendance and membership troubles, the richest man in security management is leaving. Michael Stack, ASIS CEO, famous...

By John Honovich - over 9 years ago | 15 Comments Info plus reports label

The Bizarre Dahua North American Tour

Dahua is worth $7 billion USD, more than twice what Canon paid for Axis. And Dahua generated more than $1 billion USD in revenue in 2014 and...

By Brian Rhodes - over 9 years ago | 32 Comments Info plus reports label

Exacq vs Avigilon

A member requested: "I need to find some IPVM info on Exacq vs. Avigilon. I don't have time to read 500 articles. Is there a short cut comparison...

By John Honovich - over 9 years ago | 13 Comments Info plus reports label

Milestone 'CARES' About End Users

Milestone has announced CARE which they tout cryptically as "Service Offerings for Continuous Return on Investment." If you are familiar with...

By Ethan Ace - over 9 years ago | 12 Comments Info plus reports label

Milestone's 2014 Financials Revealed

Before becoming a Canon subsidiary, Milestone made a big deal of releasing their annual financials. Now, Milestone has stopped this. However,...

By John Honovich - over 9 years ago | 2 Comments Info plus reports label

Why PSIM Will NEVER Be Popular

How do you like this vehicle? Big, ugly, hard to drive, terrible gas mileage, death trap - there's lots of negatives. Now, what if you were...

By John Honovich - over 9 years ago | 30 Comments Info plus reports label

Brivo Bought Out by Drako for $50 Million

One man is betting $50 million on hosted access control. Dean Drako, who has been investing millions into building a cloud video startup, Eagle...

By John Honovich - over 9 years ago | 9 Comments Info plus reports label

Online Surveillance Sales Trends 2015

IPVM has uncovered the key trends and top options being offered across some of the most well known and commonly used online retailers. Is SD...

By Derek Ward - over 9 years ago | 14 Comments Info plus reports label

Ranking The Lowest Cost True Minidomes

Minidomes are popular. But lots of manufacturers fake being truly mini. To help surveillance professionals, IPVM has ranked the lowest cost, true...

By Derek Ward - over 9 years ago Info plus reports label

City Video Surveillance Guide

This 31-page guide explains the key uses, design factors, and players in the City Surveillance market. A global group of 60 integrators...

By Brian Rhodes - over 9 years ago | 10 Comments Info plus reports label

Displaying reports 6,276 - 6,300 of 9,626 in total