Fascinating recent exchange on LinkedIn.

Hikvision's top UK public proponent is upset that Aldi, a European discounter with 10,000+ stores, is selling CCTV systems:

The offering in question appears to be a 4 camera 720p kit for 160GBP (~$222 USD) shown here.

A distributor challenges the Hikvision proponent emphasizing that Hikvision is doing the same in the professional market:

On the one hand, it is ironic that a Hikvision proponent would be upset about even cheaper Chinese offerings undercutting him.

On the other hand, I do not see the concern to any professional integrator, selling Hikvision or otherwise, to such 'crap' kits. The Aldi kit is clearly very basic and integrators should easily be able to sell the advantages of what they can offer above this obviously rudimentary 4 camera kit.