Subscriber Discussion

How To Eliminate Having To Track Multiple People In Retail

Denis Halabudenco
Apr 15, 2019

Mr. Undisclosed #2, 

In my deep childhood at school on my English lessons we had studied one proverb “All that glitters is not gold.

Mr. Undisclosed #2, let me show you why it’s too far to talk about face recognition system and metadata defense? When a company wants to install a security system or make a modernization in their Shopping Center they call for tender. They will receive a lot of  offers. And depending on how the company is rich and famous,  and if the World-known company calls for tender the offers of the security system will be almost technically perfect, as Mr.Undisclosed #2 have described. What was a brilliant example, I wish I were near you while you were at the ISC West :-)


But how useful will this system will be? Any system regardless of the price,
system architecture has one goal - security function and theft and fraud prevention. Yes, your system will allow for the end user to track 4 people at one time, with an easy thumb name queue to select any person of interest. Once selected they remain on the pane until another is chosen or the person has exited the building. Yes, my dear friend - It’s good.

But the doctrine of the security system is that you don’t need to track all the customers in the shopping center even if they are suspicious. You shouldn’t start tracking after he took something.

When I was making my example I have done some tips for you. Who knows how hard to work when you have 100 or 1000 people. It’s impossible. But you can focus on those persons who have taken those goods you need.

For example you can use the principle of the access control and video system synergy instead of doors you will have special hooks( Let’s name them (DAsystem) which will have their ID and if the person  takes the item with the ID nr. 1  you will get notification Section nr. 1 14-00 (Hammer  20$) - 1 piece , if the customer takes  two - the system will send another notification.  


If the person returns it back you will have no to track him. For example if there are 2 people you can use one  interesting function (it was new for me) : report - you can send the information to other operator about the second person and he can help you if they went in different directions.  You can do the synergy between POS function and DAsystem - if the person have taken 1 item with the ID nr. 1 you will have to close the alarm with the transaction (even if the operator closed the notification and supposed that everything is OK) And instead of 100 customers you can easy highlight the person you need. 

But face recognition and other functions - its icing on the cake :-)

What’s why I am so stubborn and annoying with my TRACKING FUNCTION. Without this function - you cannot rich synergy among your system.

It’s just the simple example and there are the retail industry presents presents in every part of global economy. And the company cannot do one unique solution. And you have to invent different types and use a lot of traps if you want your system will have a security system synergy. 



Best Regards 

Undisclosed #1
Apr 15, 2019

Your retail loss-prevention solution (if I am understanding it correctly) seems impractical to me - because it doesn't take into account for the 'human' condition.

Your solution would track all items in a retail store (no small task) and the person who 'becomes associated' with an item by removing it from a designated location (your 'synergy' between video and access control mentioned)?

In a retail environment, items are picked up and put back down all the time - and frequently, not back where they first picked up the item.  Are you going to stop and frisk customers as they leave because your system tells you that they are still associated with that bag of donuts that doesn't appear on the customer receipt and isn't in their cart?

Tracking items has been done forever (RFID) - but, imo, adding a 'synergy of systems' as you have described it would elevate operational complexity to a level that would render the solution impractical/untenable in most brick and mortar retail stores. 

It's not exactly the same thing as what you are describing, but check out the IPVM report on Amazon Go

Denis Halabudenco
Apr 16, 2019

Mr. Undisclosed #1,

It is very interesting to hear it. 

So, let me defend my idea. 

I haven't found any information about retail defense. Yes, have to set different chips and other traps to secure your buisnes. You have to do this.  Yes, my idea not the panacea. And the mission of the security system is not that it should resolve all the problems in the security spere. It's impossible. 

I have decribed here the main problem in the retail shop that are connected with the construction. 

Electricity accessories (one of the smallest consumables)

Light Bubles (They replace bubles , open the package and throw out the box then put into the pocket.)

Electric tools (they remove the chip and hide under the clothes, or steal parts)

Electric tools accessories (many client takes them as a gift and forget to pay) :-)

Air compressors (steal parts)

Set tools (set pieces - is the real headache, but some clients sometimes try to steal sets)

Garden tools (very attractive type of goods, especialy proffessional series)

Door tools ( locks and higes )

Bathroom (Faucet aerator)


People don't need to steal big and cheap things. They are trying to steal the consumables or smal expensive tools or set pieces. So, you don't need to protect your 100% using traps. Usually all that you need is a good inventory, good POS system. But you will have critical zones such as power tools, set tools - and as far as I have noticed. The Retail Comapanies  recuperate their losses, inserting  the % of thefts loss in the cost of products. If you try to find any information about the retail solution. Yes, you will find a very well-written datasheets that they use the experience of the best retail experts. WHAT? No, It is false. They just make integration POS systems in their VMS system the same with antenas and  RFID chips. When you are trying to ask directly you have to wait ... wait ... wait then after two weeks they give you their datasheet and ask about your location. And if you are still here ... they redirect you to the RSM and this RSM tells you that he is just a simple sales guy and he has to consult 8 countries and blah blah blah ...  But I am still waiting ...  Another company answerd me after a month and asked about my location... I am still waiting too. 

In my opinion it's is too far to say about the automotisation in retail security. It's too far. There are too much ways to cheat and to hack the system. They will take the RF code from the cheapest product and insert in match with the most expensive and other methods. 

Hre some examples of how my system should work.  [1] Item ID1 [2] Item ID 2


Yes, In a retail environment, items are picked up and put back down all the time. It's is very fair remark. I have some information for you. I have asked some co-workers, yes this a big problem and 50% of the customers do this. And sometimes they can take the item from the section  nr 1 and let them in the section nr. 5. But what about the workers. He knows the schedule and knows when the responsible person is having day off or lucnch. He can the advantage and to take the item. And hide them and after a week he will steal it. And my principles will work. You can’t judge a book by its cover. 

It will be very interesting to listen to your critical opinion. 

Thank you.

I have read the article. It was very informative for me. 





Undisclosed #2
Apr 15, 2019

Looks like the thread grew a new branch? Am I still UD#2?  :D

Edit: Denis it is a difficult task. I started to think about full body scanners, metal detectors which seem like it would help but not be cost effective. So without a morning beer, here is an energy drink thought.

Let's build a digital kiosk/pos cafe storefront brewery/cafe.

1. The warehouse still exists, with security layers attempting to keep the employees honest.

2. The front of the retail is a cafe, serving espresso and treats. In this lounge there are many open touch screen terminals where you can search, compare and view any of the inventory in high resolution.

3. Using this screen you build your items cart, the same as you would as if shopping online. You can even prepay and have someone else pick it up later that day/week. Perhaps small items in a bank of amazon lockers.

4. Once a transaction is approved, you can help your self to a coffee, treat or bottle of water while your order is being brought to the front. Perhaps gaining points, sometimes the espresso or beer is on the house.

5. This design keeps the warehouse storage and availability while removing the open market vulnerability where the majority of losses are from the wandering public. The main area of retail can have simple mock up booths like ISC west where you can have assistance for tools, cabinets, rentals, electronics and returns.

6. The brick and mortar storefront has to change and the public needs to understand why. Reducing stolen goods can also help lower prices (I hope I am correct on that).

7. You can also reserve and procure orders online without having to go thru the kiosk process, same as will call. Additionally you do not need to charge up a gift card, you can just transfer money into your account or gift account.

8. Perhaps large storefronts have everything you need, such as multiple vendors not just one company. A assortment of Home Depot, Bloomingdales, Best Buy, Amazon, Starbucks and Mom & Pop goods.

9. The future is possible, and I would still like analytics to track everyone and merge that data with cell phone data.


Denis Halabudenco
Apr 17, 2019

When you are talking about small objects I think you don't need so sofisticated VMS. I think that you need well posintegrated analythics. What do you need? 

- all your transactions were transparents and be informed about unsusscesful scans

-critical transactions 0.5 of the cup of the cofee

- discount and gift cards info

- transactions without the customer

- the number of the drawer openings 

I think there are a lot of solutions which will corespond your example. 

As to me it is uncomfortable to me base the video surveillance using cell phone)) especialy if we are talking transactions ... even if you have posintegration it's too much info :-)

Denis Halabudenco
Apr 16, 2019

Mr. Undisclosed #2,

When you are talking about a small building like  a digital kiosk/pos cafe storefront brewery/cafe.

First I would like to talk about the conception. It's a small building. If you are a director you can't allow to hire a lot of people in your staff and it's true to say that your emploee combine several functions. (I don't know how to explain: they have to do the same functions as I do: I am the operator, I am installing the system, setting setups, making working schedule to the all my co-workers, drawing plans etc. :-)) And I know how it is difficult when you are starting one case and you boss calling you and start crying , or something has happend in the Shopping Center, or Something have broken in the warehouse ... Poor workers. 

Who will watch the video? Who will verify transactions? Director? 

May be let's imagine that we have 10 or 15 identical buildings and I will try to build the system? In my opinion the security system works when it is large and complicated. 

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